Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Formula
Fritz Springmeier
Cisco Wheeler
Section B. Deeper Issues
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OVERVIEW. The original programming traumas are perpetrated by the programming cult because these traumas are dependably severe enough to cause the mind to split. Later traumas are the result of ongoing abuse by the slave's users. They may cause splits because the multiple has developed splitting as a natural mental reflex to difficult situations.
The original programming traumas are so severe that if the slave remembers them, the memories of these traumas are enough to splinter the mind again. Traumas that result from ongoing perpetrator use of the slave may not be so traumatic, but they will also bring with them painful body memories, confusion, and the potential to splinter the mind.
Until recently, the major thrust of the therapeutic community has been to try to push the victim towards abreacting the trauma, which is actually causing more psychological stress and harm than good to the victim's mind.
The correct Goal & some Basic Techniques.
Memory work needs to be done with the goal of preventing abreactions. Memories can be looked at by journaling, being placed on internal movie screens (or VCR players), by artwork and a number of other techniques. Of course the programmers are now a step ahead of therapists and are placing in programs to prevent these non-abreactive memory techniques. We will review some of the techniques for dealing with - abreactions. They basically follow common sense. When a person has a memory:
· they can be distracted to pull away from it,
· they can intentionally encase the memory in some box, vault, safe, room or other storage unit,
· or they can develop ways to slow down and tone down the affect of the memory so that the mind is cushioned from the severity of the memory.
As an alter struggles with memories, another alter can be intentionally shifted to hold the body. Some therapists will also develop a temporary safe room where an alter can retreat from memory work for a temporary respite. It is going to be nearly impossible for the victim not to suffer from their memories, in fact, every victim we know has suffered incalculable torment from their memories. The slogan "no pain, no gain" seems to have been written for their situation in life.
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MEMORY FLASHBACKS. A review of history will show that victims of torture/trauma can potentially get memory flashbacks for the rest of their life. These memory flashbacks can be triggered in a number of ways, and the memories may lay dormant and hidden for any length of time. The disadvantage of having memories is that they often bring fear, body pain, and loss of sleep. They are like nightmares--although technically memories are different than nightmares in that they are more closely rooted to an actual torture/trauma. The person experiencing these flashbacks typically thinks they are going crazy. It is important for you to realize that millions of people who have been tortured have also thought they were going crazy, but that what was really happening is that they were having just like you a normal reaction to some very frightening events. To get flashbacks means that the mind is again trying to overcome a bad experience. Flashbacks are not a reason to panic---they are normal---and if a person can remind him/herself to stay calm as possible, one will get through them better. It may be difficult to stay calm during a difficult memory. But staying calm is one of the goals which can be worked toward and achieved. One reason that flashback occur during sleep is that the mind's defenses are weaker during sleep so the resistance to the memory coming is reduced. There are a number of positive things that can be done in response to memory flashbacks. Although the memory flashbacks on the surface appear to be negative experiences--there also can be some positive benefits. If the memories are correctly handled they can break down the dissociation. The memories can be used to protect the person from future danger. What I suggest as a plan of action is that you accomplish several goals:
1. reduced and eliminate the feeling of passive helplessness that comes from not being able to control memory. I will suggest ways to control memory.
2. take measures during the memory to restore your contact with present reality.
3. continue to breakdown dissociation.
There are a list of things a person can try when flashbacks occur. Some will work and others won't. One may try these in the order listed:
a. Try to think of something that is opposite of what the memory is about or something that is incompatible with the event. If the event is centered around hate, think of an event that is centered in love.
b. Next, one might try to think of the negative consequences of going through the memory. This might encourage action to sidestep it.
c. Try an activity that will distract the mind.
d. Find out what triggered the memory flashback and then try to remove the flashback via the memory-on-a-movie-screen method or the memory-locked-in-a-safe-box method.
e. If nothing else try pushing it back from the mind--see if clenching your teeth and pushing your tongue hard against your palate will help.
To gain control of the flashback when it occurs here are some suggestions:
a. Learn and know of what situations cause certain flashbacks. This will give you a greater sense of control and lessen the panic that comes from certain flashbacks. Gaining control over flashbacks can seem like one step forward and one step back but eventually control is gained--sometimes without the person realizing the progress they have made.
b. When in a memory--first move a finger then bit by bit the rest of the body. Then start controlling your breathing (this can all be practiced anytime). Then get up and look out the window to prove to yourself that you are at home and not in the memory. Then write down the memory. This will help in several ways including the dissociation. If it gets difficult to write the memory--then interrupt yourself with
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quiet deep breathing. After writing down the memory--don't reread--but go get something to drink which will be calming such as a cup of coffee. If the relaxation is practiced and can be achieved in response to bad memories it will give you a sense of control over the memories. c. The victim can talk with their support person about what the trauma was and what it meant to you at the time it happened. This will allow you to achieve an assimilation of the experience into yourself. If you can discuss the event in full and the personal meaning you have a greater chance of conquering and controlling the flashback. It has been reported that memories that are too difficult for people to talk out because they have contradictory feelings, embarrassment etc. regarding them, will repeat themselves and the mind will often become obsessed with those difficult flashbacks. Talking them out can be healing. Why deal with memory flashbacks? One reason is that flashbacks intrude into the present and mean that you are pulled away from enjoying the present reality into reliving something in the past. Relief from flashbacks will help you, the healing victim, to concentrate better, get more pleasure out of being with others, and make life more enjoyable. Bear in mind also, that everyone who has been tortured goes through periods in time when they disconnect from others. This has been called different names such as "emotional anesthesia" and "psychic numbing" so don't be hard on yourself if you temporarily lose the ability to feel close to others. The torture was aimed at breaking the victim's personality. Accepting that that was a goal of the perpetrators of the mind-control programming is a step in restoring the identity that could have been there. This leads to the next area of concern: the dehumanization.
Because devaluation of another person makes it easier to torture them, devaluation normally occurs in the minds of torturers. They dehumanized not only to control you--but to build up their own image enough to partially justify torturing you. They most likely were also devalued and dehumanized in their own lives and passed on that devaluation. Realizing the reasons why dehumanization was carried out may help a person overcome the process. Another help is to set yourself up in situations where you have positive experiences using your talents and skills will help you overcome the negatives of dehumanization.
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Child's subconscious mind protects itself:
· goes into denial
· learns a. not to trust anyone incl. self, b. since trust is the basis of communication they also learn not to be in touch with the world.
· emotional distance
· collecting spirit
· clingy behavior or independent behavior
· learning difficulties
· lack of emotions
· denial of abuse
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Child's subconscious mind protects itself:
· to guard itself it creates free floating fears
· to further guard itself withdraws from people or acts aggressive toward others
· splits off a part to take the trauma
· tries to remedy by reaction in the other direction, i.e. becomes an obsessive caretaker of others
· learns a. help & support do not exist, b. that there is no power against the programmers.
· eating, sleeping and bedwetting disorders
· nightmares
· phobias
· withdrawal or aggressiveness from others
· obsessive caretaking
· Suicidal thoughts
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Child's subconscious mind protects itself:
· preserves a sense of the world—I must be bad. It was my fault.
· preserves self-respect—Since I didn't resist, I am at fault.
· preserves good image of abuser—I can continue to love him, because I was at fault.
· preserves happiness—What a thrill to be abused, I must have wanted this for being so bad.
· learns to have a. a comfort zone of self-blame, b. to become a caretaker which sets the victim up for more self-blame when things go wrong, c. fantasize to stop the pain.
· wants to punish one self
· sabotages self achievements & acts of love by others
· isolates
· guilt, shame, & a "bad" self-image
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Child's subconscious mind protects itself:
· mind accepts the violations
· concludes that all touching is a sexual come-on
· learns a. confused & inappropriate behavior and values, b. perceives its value from being a sexual object
· far too-early sexual development
· strong negative or positive feelings/reactions to sexual issues
· confusion about sexual norms
· lots of sexual issues
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Child's subconscious mind protects itself:
· decides not to tell about the trauma, becomes secretive
· believes it has a guilt to punish
· either it decides to quit risking failure by reaching for success OR over tries to succeed but never feels successful.
· secretive
· self-destructive behavior
· feelings of guilt, shame, self-hate, and isolation
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Child's subconscious mind protects itself:
· creates amnesia walls & splits the mind into dissociative parts
· the mind disowns the body
· learns to a. dissociate as a defensive habit & b. to copy others in cult as role models.
· no sense of danger
· dissociative behavior
· phobias
· eye-rolls
· sleeping disorders
· inconsistent behaviors
· lost time
· denies acts that others have witnessed
· moody
· uses pronoun "we"
· helpless feelings
· no confidence
· depersonalization
· emotions locked up
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ABUSERS, confrontations or not
Several victims of mind-control have said that they felt the best pay-back that they could give their abusers was to get well. This is probably right. There wouldn't be any punishment that would do justice to the crimes that have been committed. We victims should try and fight evil with something positive, something good. But what about confronting an abuser, and letting the perpetrator's system know the suffering they've caused, etc. Just because the victim has worked through some issues, doesn't mean the abuser has. The abuser had to sear his mind years ago. What abusers do, is that first they sear their consciences and then they develop justifications in their mind for what they do. They are deeply entrapped in their own rationalizations. The Network has prepared them excellent alibi's to "prove" they could not have done it. Talking to an abuser about your mind-control issues is like talking to a cement wall. All it will do is get the therapist and the victim into more problems. In some cases, the False Memory Syndrome has helped the abuser and the therapist ends up getting taken out of commission. Keep the therapy work private. Go toward health quietly. The world is not even ready to understand the healing of the victim. And the abuser is even less ready to be understanding. The abusers simply feel threatened. Some victims have a deep drive to make their abusers understand. They are struggling with the effects of the mind-control, and have not yet realized that the abusers are NOT their friend, but another multiple who is also deeply trapped in what they are doing.
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ALTERS, how to work with deep Illuminati alters (issues for therapists)
Up to now, therapists have chosen therapeutic modalities that resulted in avoiding dealing with the deep Illum. alters. One of the most acclaimed centers for helping programmed multiples only works on issues that presenting alters have, and uses electro-shock techniques to try to wipe out deeper issues in the mind. Other prominent psychiatrists who have travelled & trained other therapists how to deal with MPD/DID have incorrectly taught that right brain-left brain issues are simply a program. Therapists have by & large ignored Illuminati religious beliefs, which has insured that deeper alters are not going to present themselves to be ridiculed. Others have attempted to cast the deeper alters out, which in reality buries them deeper into the subconscious, where they carry out their influence at an even harder-to-find level. In fact, when this is being written in 1996, most therapists still remain ignorant of or in denial that the Illuminati exists. Our system has unsuccessfully looked far & wide for a professional who understands the deeper Illuminati alters. We believe this material will make a fresh and valuable contribution in the work needed to free Illuminati slaves. Therapists are in a difficult position to work on Ipsissimus/Grand Master alters or Grand Dame or Mother-of-darkness levels, because, before they can learn how to work with deeper parts, they must forget many things they have been incorrectly taught. Therapists need to see the interrelationships between Illuminati cosmology & beliefs and the programming that is carried out. Witchcraft rituals of the Illuminati are a form of deep level programming. This is why it is ludicrous
for Wiccan counselling centers to help mind-controlled slaves, & yet there are a number of licensed wiccan centers counseling'' multiples with programming. The very teachings of witchcraft are intertwined with the programming that needs to be disassembled. Several elements that are common to all forms of witchcraft are: a. the stimulation of an awareness of a hidden side of "reality", b. the awakening and training of hidden powers of the mind, c. the intense training and discipline of the various levels of the subconscious mind. For instance, psychic abilities and astral projection are basic components to witchcraft. Witchcraft at the higher Illuminati levels is the skill to work in the subconscious mind & change consciousness at will. Witchcraft, especially the cabalistic and hermetic-based witchcraft of the Illuminati, understood how to work with the subconscious mind long before modern psychology existed. Modern psychology is actually based upon cabalistic doctrines. There is a one-to-one correspondence between Freud's theories and Jung's theories and the older witchcraft philosophies. The child, adult, parent of transactional analysis is simply the maiden, mother, crone triple goddess of the Illuminati. And these three parts of the mind have been well understood and manipulated in rituals for centuries. 2 important steps to take in order to help deeper parts are: a. realize that the deeper parts are centered in a trance state in their internal world, and are developed not to function in the conscious world, but are highly skilled to function in the subconscious mind, b. dream state therapy should be developed to help the deeper parts unravel their programming.
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When the core is split, the dissociated parts that split when the child was in a rage are used to make clones. These little child parts are very small, and have not had a chance to grow up. The creation of clones is described in Vol 2. After they are discovered by the programmer he uses hypnotic magic to drop a robot suit over the child alter. The suits are made of different types of metal and there are a number of different types of suits. Often the children turned robots are given serial no.s. They may perceive themselves as military units. Clone splits are formed into armies that come to the front of the mind to protect the programming. They are like a nursery of screaming children. It is impossible for the front host alters to calm these clones down. What has been found to work on the clones from the 40's through the 60's programming is to put water on them. Water paralyzes them. Then one can go around to the back and find wires or switches on their suits. A switch may shut them off. Or perhaps the wires can be tampered with. When these little children are looked at, these parts still have probes and needles in them. These child alters need to go to an internal hospital, where they can mentally go through some care to get them relieved from the state they perceive themselves in. After they are out of their suits, the robot suits can be vaporized.
Judge alters are alters who enforce the laws of the system, which of course are the guidelines & programming established by the programmer. In witchcraft paradoxes are used. Each split of the mind is valued. The alters, such as the judges, are mirroring their abuse. Fear is the basis of their obedience. They have seen the worst terrors. They have seen things others haven't seen. They are structured along the lines of demonology, and they believe that they must answer to Lucifer. They have no doubt that they are going to hell. They believe the better they obey, the better life they will have in hell. Their obedience in keeping the rest of the system in line with the programming is their desire for a better life in hell, which they already have a foretaste of. Much of their programming was put in during the sensory deprivation, so they don't fully comprehend why they do what they do, they just believe that what they are doing is for their survival. Many of the deeper alters are functioning with a survival of the fittest attitude, where only the strong and obedient survive. They have been given the Spirit of War & they war for the system. They carry the full force of demonic possession. The starting point for many of these deeper alters is to realize they were programmed to their script. MIRROR IMAGES.The script for the mirror images came from God floating over the water in the Bible's Genesis. Mirrors of an alter are simply fragments of some alter. They are taught they are separate, but the separation is an illusion. There are several programming tricks they do with the child such as "This is your hand" trick, to confuse the child's mind about the mirror image. The splits are done in front of mirrors. "ITS THE MIRROR IMAGE ThAT IS GETTING HURT, AND HAS BLOOD ALL OVER IT, NOT YOU." After the child accepts the mirror image as real, they put it into hiding with hypnotic suggestions, & they tell the child the mirror image split doesn't exist. The mirror image will take the programming traumas & the anger.
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HOW TO WORK WITH DEEPER ILLUMINATI PARTS (deeper issues for therapists)
The following are things for therapists:
· a. how liluminati beliefs intertwine with programming
· b. how the external Illuminati is structured
· c. how to do dream therapy and to be sensitive to dreamsBE AWARE OF:
· a. the Illuminati reinstates (reprograms) sealing programs over the dream state approx. every 3 years to stop revealing dreams from surfacing.
· b. how Helping Alter can work deep in the subconscious to pull memories and to interact in a positive way with deeper parts
· c. how programming hits at a subconcscious level. It may seem benign to the conscious mind, and yet be building up subconscious momentum and growing power.
· d. how complex it is for deeper alters to separate objective & subjective realities.TREAT WITH RESPECT
· a. the training in programming that the deeper hierarchy alters have
· b. that the deeper alters will respond in a manner that reflects their position, staus and training.
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BACKACHES, suggestions for body aches
Body aches, especially backaches, can keep the mind so preoccupied with pain that the rest of the mind doesn't work on other issues. The body, mind, and spirit all need healing. When building an alter system, the Illuminati programmers build in protective programming by using spinal surgical techniques. This kind of programming is usually done in a hospital. It is done by specialists who know the spine and the nerves. There are several variations of what is done. They will attach this spinal pain to a hypnotic trigger that if you remember such and such, you will relive the intense spinal pain. The variations on this, are to paralyze someone from the waist down, or a leg, or an arm. Using surgical drugs and procedures, they can even make a person "blind" by hitting certain nerves and this can be used to create blind alters, or blinding programs. Simple electroshock to parts of the back can be painful. The Illuminati also lay in the spirit Leviathan which lays on the spinal column and causes intense pain if the victim goes toward health. A number of Illuminati victims have gotten relief from intense back pain by deliverance from Leviathan. What this means is that a support team that is working on issues may want to have a good chiropractor on the team, and maybe a masseuse. Working the muscles of the body will free up trauma pains, and alters that get locked up throughout the entire body. Needles that are still mentally in the body are also locked up in body pain too. If a victim hits programming that flips them into pain, the alters will of course be preoccupied with the pain in the body and they will lose sight of the memory. Go directly to the pain and work on the pain issues, because the memory is sheltered in the pain.
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The following inventory can be worked on by a victim of mind-control as home work or the therapist can use the questions as a means to build rapport and understand the client better. In order to save printing costs this section will not provide room to write the answers down. Sheets of paper or a tape recorder are needed to record answers. Questions are numbered for easy reference. This inventory is for the therapeutic process--which means ultimately it is for the victim. The questions are meant to be a guide, feel free to speak about anything that pertains to each biographical time period. If something important happened that you want to report, you don't need a question to talk or write about it.
The following questions are about the client's roots. Roots are important, we need to know where we've come from to know where we're headed. Understanding the client's family may reveal a great deal about the client. Learning one's roots can reveal important clues as to why things occurred in your life.
· 1. Tell the story about how your parents met and fell in love?
· 2. Tell a story that would show what your mother was like.
· 3. What can you say about your mother, do you know where she came from, where she was born and what her life was like before she met your father?
· 4. What are some of your mother's emotional traits, was she warm and loving, or strict, or nagging, or unstable, or humorous, how was she?
· 5. What was the best thing about your father?
· 6. What was the worst thing about your father?
· 7. What do you know about your father's bloodlines, his genealogy?
· 8. What do you know about your mother's bloodlines, her genealogy?
· 9. Was there anything unusual about your mother or father?
· 10. Did your mother ever give any sex education to you, what was her attitude towards the subject in your view?
· 11. What was your father's work?
· 12. What kind of bedtime stories did your father tell you?
· 13. Is there something important to say about your grandparents or greatgrandparents?
· 14. In what ways were your uncles and aunts important to you?
CHILDHOOD (pre-school)
This section will be one of the most critical. Don't be embarrassed if you don't remember, just be open & frank, because this inventory is for you. The therapist needs to watch for protectors to surface with the "approved solutions", & watch the different slants that are given by the client at different times to the same subjects.
· 15. What is your earliest memory? How old were you? Where did you live?
· 16. What do you know about your birth, were you pre-mature, were you c-section, were you tiny or frail?
· 17. Did you have older siblings who helped raise you?
· 18. What was the neighborhood like that you grew up in before kindergarten?
· 19. Did you ever get into trouble when you were between 3 and 5 years old?
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· 20. Were you ever sent to your room, or made to stand in a corner in your first few years?
· 21. How did your parents punish you?
· 22. Who disciplined you the most?
· 23. What kind of religious experiences did you have as a small child?
· 24. Who was more religious, your father or your mother?
· 25. Who was your first grade teacher?
· 26. What was your first grade teacher like?
· 27. Can you describe your first day at school?
· 28. How would other people have described you when you were a small child?
· 29. What kind of chores did you have as a child?
· 30. What kind of games did you play as a small child?
· 31. Do you think you had a happy childhood?
· 32. What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
· 33. What is your worst childhood memory?
· 34. How did you feel about going to doctors when you were little?
· 35. What did you want to be when you grew up?
· 36. Do you remember putting your teeth under the pillow for the tooth fairy?
· 37. Do you remember Christmas or some other holidays?
· 38. Did you know any crazy people when you were little?
· 39. What did you think about people who were a different race when you were little?
· 40. What did you think about Halloween when you were little?
· 41. Did you ever get sick when you were a little child?
· 42. Did your family go on any vacations, could you describe one?
If the client is talkative, let them provide as much as they want. When dealing with victims of mind-control everything about their life tends to be a clue as to what has gone on. The therapist can trust their own curiosity and ask further questions. For some victims, their host alter will not have memories below the age of 18, or their memories will be spotty. However, the newer mind-control victims are getting better childhood cover memories laid in so that their mind-control is not so obvious.
· 43. Do you remember the first book you read?
· 44. What kind of things did your parents like to read?
· 45. What kind of toys did you have in elementary school?
· 46. What were some of your favorite games during your elementary school days?
· 47. Did you learn to play any musical instruments?
· 48. What were some of your favorite songs during that time period?
· 49. Did your family move a lot, and how did that affect you?
· 50. What was the worst experience that you can remember from your school days?
· 51. What was the best experience that you can remember from your school days?
· 52. Did someone in your class of the opposite sex have a crush on you?
· 53. Can you remember what was the most memorable gift that you gave as a child?
· 54. Can you remember what your favorite gift that you received was?
· 55. Did your family take vacations during your school years?
· 56. Did you have any strange people in your school or in your neighborhood, and how did you feel about them?
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· 57. What kind of pets did you have growing up? What happened to them?
· 58. Do you remember your tenth and eleventh birthdays?
· 59. List the names of your elementary school teachers.
· 60. Describe your elementary school building on the inside & outside.
· 60. What was the name(s) of the Junior High that you went to?
· 61. What was the most influential teacher that you had during your school days?
· 62. Did you hang around with any kids, and if so, what were they like?
· 62. What kind of neighbors did you have?
· 63. What kind of trouble did you get into?
The high school years are years when the child is meeting interesting members of the opposite sex, preparing for their future, and working at their first jobs. It's a time for new beginning as well as turmoils. It is also a time when the victim will be in many secret rituals, and will be used for many mind-control assignments. There are no right or wrong answers, if the client thinks of something else, besides what initially comes to mind, then it is quite alright to have several "most" events in answer to a "what is the most...?" type of question.
· 64. What was the craziest thing you ever did in high school? Why did you do it, and what happened?
· 65. Who was your favorite person during your high school days?
· 66. Who were your best friends during high school?
· 67. What is the funniest thing that happened to you as a teenager?
· 68. What did you expect to do when you graduated from high school?
· 69. Did you go to your high school prom?
· 70. Do you remember any of the nicknames you had for your teachers?
· 71. What was your favorite subject in school?
· 72. In your opinion, which did you like more in high school, sports or intellectual pursuits?
· 73. Could you describe what the high school building looked like?
· 74. Were you active in a church during your high school days?
· 75. Did you do any great activities with other teenagers in some religious club or sunday school group?
· 76. Were you a leader of any activity during your high school days?
· 77. What was it like going to the movies as a teenager in your area?
· 78. Who were your heros during your teenage years?
· 79. Who were the heroes of your peers when you were a teenager?
· 80. Did anybody ever accuse you of being dishonest as a teenager?
· 81. Did you try to pattern your life after anyone, if so who? do you still admire the qualities you saw in that person?
· 82. What kind of conflicts did you have with your parents?
· 83. What kind of conflicts did you have with your teachers?
· 84. What kind of conflicts did you have with your peers?
· 85. What was your attitude toward drugs and smoking during your teenage years?
· 86. Was there ever a point in time where you went against your parents wishes? tell the story about how you managed to get your way.
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It almost goes without saying that the therapist is trying to build rapport with these questions not to interrogate, not to judge, but simply to listen and learn. Find out what was the most important thing(s) in the person's life. Find out what the client remembers that was interesting.
· 87. What kind of things were you involved in after high school?
· 88. Where did you go to college or trade school?
· 89. What was it like to leave home, to go to higher education or to be on your own?
· 90. Did you join any fraternity or sorority?
· 91. What was your major field of study after you left high school?
· 92. Did you have any part-time jobs, after you got out of high school?
· 93. Who were your best friends during the first few years after high school?
· 94. When was the first time you met your spouse? Describe the meeting.
· 95. Where did you live after you first got married?
· 96. How much did it cost for different items when you first got married, for instance, a packet of bacon, a gallon of gas, a dozen eggs, a hamburger?
· 97. What did the future look like when you graduated from high school?
· 98. What did the future look like when you graduated from college, or a trade school?
- 99. Do you think attitudes about sex have changed for the better or worse over the years? Why do you think attitudes are changing?
· 100. What did your family think about your first spouse? What were their reactions?
· 101. Did you have any common interests with your first spouse, & if so, what?
· 102. Who would you have liked to have married that you didn't?
· 103. How would you describe yourself in your twenties?
· 104. From where you are today, when did you decide upon your career? When did you first entertain thoughts of this career? Were the seeds of where your life has ended up present in your early life?
· 105. What do you consider your most important achievement so far in your life?
· 106. How do you feel about God, and could you please describe your image of what kind of person God is?
· 107. Did you have military service, and what was that like?
· 108. Are you a flashy dresser, conservative, sloppy, well-groomed dresser?
· 109. How important is it to dress well?
· 110. What kind of pets did you have in adult life?
· 111. Do you think much about death? Do you fear death?
· 112. What do you think happens to people when they die?
· 113. Did you ever have an ESP experience?
· 114. Did you ever have a ghost experience?
· 115. What do you think about magic?
· 116. What kind of foods do you like? What kinds of foods do you detest and why?
· 117. What did you think about Watergate?
· 118. Where was the edge of the city when you graduated from high school, has the city grown since then?
· 119. Is there something that we have failed to talk about that you feel is important?
There are reasons why each of the questions was selected and why it was placed in the order that it appears. Those reasons are based upon experience with mind-control victims. To prepare this list of questions we looked at several books that were designed to inventory a person's life. We were greatly assisted by William Fletcher's book Recording Your Family History. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1989. The book is an organized guide to asking family history questions. This or other sourees might provide more ideas on reconstructing the client's bio.
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We will let our support person Fritz write about how a support person can deal with burn out: Allow me to start by saying, if you're feeling stressed at this moment, take a deep breath, close your eyes for a moment and then exhale and relax. Burnout hits people who have nothing more to give. When you have been stressed to the max, the rewards are not there, and you have all these nagging agitating issues. Even a well-working piece of equipment will eventually rust--so don't be too hard on yourself. Working with programmed multiples & implant victims will give a person long periods of distress, pressures from all angles, & a nauseating feeling that you are stuck and not going anywhere. I have always found that it's healthier mentally & physically for me to be actively doing something, no matter how small against the mind-control, rather than being passive in difficult times. In fact, military units often find that their men handle stress better being on the attack than sitting around in a defensive mode waiting for the bombs to drop. I manage to keep a healthy positive outlook by continuing to take steps, even tiny ones. Attack the problem? You may feel like an ant against an elephant trying to bite off more than you can chew. There are indeed limits to what a single person trying to fly solo against the mind-control can achieve. Try to find some support from a few intelligent listening people. One therapist cries her heart out to God. Tears are not a bad idea. Did you know that tears contain stress hormones, so that crying actually empties the body of stress hormones. (Now wouldn't we like to see our clients do more crying?) If it doesn't seem like anyone, the client, friends, or God is listening to your difficulties, unfortunately your body quietly is. Emotions are the bridge between the body and the mind. Interaction between the two need emotions. Remember the reptilian brain controls the body, and is connected to emotions. The higher minds control thoughts, and they too are connected to emotions. Your body will respond to stress, with symptoms like higher blood pressure. Mine doubled in one year. Obviously, there is a price to pay for such challenging work. So where does this leave you? If you can connect with the tragedy of what is happening to your client, then therapy will take on a purpose. The price you pay will be worth every drop of sweat, or every diastolic & systolic number on your blood pressure. You may have to learn how to blow some things off. Multiples will say a lot of things. Everyone has buttons. Don't be hard on yourself that you have buttons. My favorite ones are:
· Nobody listens.
· You can't count on anyone.
· It's never good enough.
· Don't tell me what to do or think.
· Is anybody thinking?
Can you identify with any of these, what is on your list of buttons? Some of us are like ballistic missiles. When our buttons are pushed off we go. Realizing that we have buttons, and how the firing mechanisms got put in during our lifetime, can be helpful to diffuse these. A person only has so much energy and when they are constantly going ballistic they burn up a lot of energy quick. And if you stuff it under the emotional rug--you will still bum out, because your body is connected to the rest of you, and all those unused stress chemicals are still there. In fact, support team members should look at symptoms like pain in the gut, headaches, pain in the neck and realize some of these are simply the stress of all that is being dealt with. Do you have unresolved emotional or physical pain, that are visible as buttons and pain?
Perhaps you are wearing down because you have self-doubts, and negative expectations. Who wants to be like the greek mythological
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Sisyphus who pushed a boulder up the hill, only to have it roll down again and again? Don't devalue your little forward steps. Keep taking those steps forward, and recognize your accomplishments. Perhaps you need to write out what has been accomplished for you the support person and the client. I discovered that progress reports have been very-encouraging and well received. Often when I thought that success was self-evident the system was not able to see any until they read the progress report. Each of us are unique, and I am in no position to tell you what will or won't encourage you or your client. However, some people have been helped by writing out all their self-doubts and then dumping them into a trash can. Let's face it, bad news is often not as bad as it seems; and good news is often not as good as it seems. Throw your doubts away, but do try and get some support. Even if you are creative and capable, when you begin to get exhausted you will begin to lose that creative edge to meet the latest challenge. Does the problem still seem too big to fix? Trying to figure out how to deal with all kinds of alters as well as people in the external world is a big chore, and the work keeps accumulating of things that need to be worked on with your client. I don't have all the answers, but part of the answer lies in remaining flexible, learning how to negotiate and communicate clearly with alters, and part of it lies in just accepting that some things come with the territory. The trust issues with programmed multiples are difficult and persistent. They will wear a person down, in the same fashion that having a boss looking over your shoulder the entire time gets old. Blow it off. It comes with the territory. And again, I can't repeat this enough we need to work in teams. I have been greatly revitalized by working with others.
If you think you've got problems, put yourself in the victim's shoes! With several victims who have just begun, their alters asked how long it would be until they were well, & I've told them, 'Your beginning a long journey, like walking from New York to California. If we have to walk the entire distance, it's going to be a long journey. If we can do some flying it will go quicker." I was trying to balance the enormous amount of work that needs to be done, with the actual truth that some of the better methods can get a great deal done in short intense periods. I want the victims of mind-control to see the hope. In order for victims of mind-control to obtain better results, and to minimize burnout among therapists/support persons, I suggest that we carry out an ongoing process to weed out self-defeating habits and behaviors, we continue to learn new techniques for helping mind-control victims, and that we continue to give ourselves a chance to grow, and learn too. After all therapists have needs too. I think the lack of recognition by people that therapists are people contributes to "therapeutic chronic fatigue". While the client is wanting to discover their feelings, the client is expecting the therapist to bury the therapist's own feelings. I think that it is healthiest for the support persons to actually touch base emotionally with everything that is happening to both the client and the therapist. In the long run, I believe that burn-out will happen lots slower if the support persons are emotionally invested in the work, rather than simply being a paid automaton. Therapists will have less stress, when they have someone that can mentor them. Victims are tough, they are survivors of a lot of abuse, & they often survive incompetent therapists. What may seem like a tragedy for your multiple may not derail the therapy as much as the novice might expect. I not suggesting an uncaring attitude, I'm just saying that experience brings some calmness. Perhaps you're not in position to put the time & energy into the client that your client wants. Sometimes we don't have perfect answers. If you are giving it your best shot, who can complain? Be kind to yourself.
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If all alters had the same thoughts and were in agreement, this book would not be needed. The essence of why trauma-based mind-control is so successful is that their are substantial differences between the various alters. Those differences allow the Illuminati to create good front alters as covers. Those differences allow the Illuminati to maintain control and prevent the system from finding their freedom. Incompatibilities and conflicts between alters is a given from the get-go with a DID client. The support team may hear of light and dark sides to a system. Internal persecutor alters are a given. Alters that self-mutilate the body have been programmed to do it. Psychologists have been baffled at the hate that some alters have for other alters or for those other alter's body--which they don't perceive as their own body. The longer the programming goes on the more established the self-persecuting alters become. When dealing with such alters, the support team must not be judgmental. These are simply hurting child alters doing what they have been programmed to do. They are simply trying to do their job right. Without reinforcing these alters dangerous behaviors, it is possible to give them some attention and friendship. They are not used to holding the body and will tire of holding it after a few minutes. Having them out regularly may diffuse some of their rage. The therapist should not scare them by threatening to get rid of them, or kill them, although occasionally they need to be restrained by a support person, for instance if they are trying to mutilate the victim with a knife. These persecutor alters can have their identity validated, they were just trying to help the system by doing the job that was expected by the programmers. The persecutor alters may often be the ones that took the pain for the "a" alters that function so well in life. When the host alter acknowledges the existence of the persecutor alter, and the persecutor alter's pain & needs, it helps remove some of the animosity in their relationship. Alters can write each other letters. Because most systems are creative, they can use their creativity to think of some way to resolve the conflict, if they try. However, the answer that may occur to some readers, to internally lock up persecutor alters is not a good idea. Someone in the alter system must be the light on the hill, that moves toward freedom. Generally that will be the front host alter that came originally came into therapy. It may not be. Sometimes the original "person" who came in for therapy, dissolves into a mass of different personalities, and the therapist has trouble knowing who now is the client. The answer is the entire system is, they just don't know it. And who speaks for the system? For instance, one alter says for the therapist to quit working with the system and another says they want the therapist to work, but only the non-cooperative alters show up for the sessions? All of our old ways of looking at people are obsolete, and the support team will encounter difficulties that boggle their mind. One way to overcome some of this is to treat a system as a city. How did God treat the church of a city? How does one relate to a city of people? How does one get cooperation in a city. Within an alter system, the change for health has to come family by family. One family of alters after another family must make the choice "I want to change direction. I don't want to be like my abuser. I don't want to conform to the programming." Many alters will not really know what is going on, they will only have a sense of it. They will sense, "Something is wrong here." That may be enough for them to make a decision for a change of direction. Persecutor alters can learn not to act out. Alters can be given another script. Each alter can be shown that the system has gratitude for the part they played in the system's survival. Things that are helpful for alters are good reading, good friends, support groups, and
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learning from each other internally. Some alters can clearly see the good from the bad, some have very limited understanding. The system can begin taking their power back. The alters can work as a team, and become co-conscious. Responsible alters can be given the care of other alters who need attention. It's somewhat like how a teacher may delegate some children to be leaders so that they can help the troubled children. Internal peer pressure can work for good too. And alters can pray for each other too. Light side alters can form prayer circles or prayer chains. Even non-multiples have ego-states that can present problems, such as the part of you that wants to eat too many sweets. How is this overcome? By mental discipline. It will take some mental discipline for the victim to grow. Alters need to change their thinking from "I can't to I can." Get rid of "I can't." Getting rid of fear is a big step in overcoming alter conflicts. This is just one more reason why safety for the system is so important.
Most competition for having the body by alters occurs during the following times:
a. when cult programming goes off, and part of the system is trying to go to a ritual or a drug run, and the light side alters are holding the body.
b. when something exciting or fun is happening and everyone wants a piece of the action.
c. when alters are in conflict over goals or in conflict about what the system is doing in therapy.
Originally, the alter switches were subconscious and carried out mainly by the handlers. After getting to know one's internal system better, the alters can begin to control their own switching. The alters need to build harmony. If they change the internal job description, or give an alter an external job, then that alter needs to be allowed to have that role. The alter can be asked internally, "What would you like to do?" and then give that alter a chance to develop that. Give everyone an important role. After a while of working together, the alters begin to get co-conscious. After alters are co-conscious, the conflicts will cease between them.
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This page is not to be read by any victims of mind-control, no if's, and's, or but's. Reading this material may be highly lethal -- it will trigger powerful suicide programs in some victims of mind-control!!!
The core issues are issues that concern the basic survival of the mind. Therapists have blamed victims for not cooperating in integrating the core, when a fuller understanding of the dynamics of programming shows that the victim is only attempting to protect himself. In 1960, J.D. Sutherland at the second Tavistock seminar on mother-infant interaction in London presented his work which was entitled "The concepts of imprinting and critical period from a psycho-analytic viewpoint." This was reprinted in a book Determinants of Infant Behavior II. Sutherland discovered that traumatic frustration experiences in a child's early development set up subsystems in a person, which continue to seek expression, and are relatively little influenced by subsequent experiences. The formation of social relationships by an infant relates to the concept of imprinting. Researchers have not sorted out all the complex processes, but imprinting researchers feel confident that imprinting in humans has some parallels to precocial birds. They found that newborn babies less than a day old will follow a real face much more than a mannequin. This proved for instance that babies are programmed prior to birth to respond to human faces. There are obviously some built-in mechanisms to human thinking. The human brain is actually 7 brains. The lower three brains are: one, the medulla; two, the pons; and three, the cerebellum. On top of the pons, is the fourth brain, the mid-brain. The mid-brain is the central brain linking the 3 higher and the 3 lower brains. It relays messages back and forth. It regulates the life force, and serves as a regulator to states of consciousness. Secretions in the fourth brain create the emotional construct of "me'. If traumatized, such as during the splitting-the-core trauma, the mid-brain does not secrete the peptides or endorphines which relate to the self-sense that is attached to a sensory experience. In other words, when the core is split, the mid-brain ceases to secrete the peptides that emotionally connect its potential sense of self to the sensations of the body. The mid-brain is also the area that is imprinted with roles. Each one of the 7 brains that make up the entire structure called the human brain is capable of having feelings. This is one reason why we can have "mixed feelings" about one item. What seems to occur during the splitting of the core (referred to as the Primal Dissociate Experience PDE), is that the mind decides that survival is dependent upon not identifying with what is happening. In a sense it decides that death to the self is a type of survival. The mind creates dissociated "ego states" (what Sutherland called "subsystems") to deal with these difficult situations that it refuses to accept into its memory as happening to itself. Deep level ISH (internal self-helpers--perhaps Guardian angels) have been successfully used to reintegrate the PDE held in that special part of the mind back into the mind.
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When the brain's senses try to record the PDE, the mind disconnects itself from the experience. Body memories remain of the experience, and dissociated memory fragments. The mind disassembles its concept of self. It decouples itself from existence and goes into hiding. The rest of the victim's life will be spent by the "core" retreating deeper into hiding. When the mind, decouples itself from the body and takes itself into hiding, it permits dissociated pieces of the mind to pick up the abuse. One of the positive pieces of the original splitting experience will be used to create a host(s) personality. This is the person that will front the system. (Shortly an entire explanation of all this will follow.) The retreating "remnant of life", after it has let the self die and the mind be splintered is really only that part of the mid-brain which regulates the life-force and the soul. There is no alter that is the real core. ANY alter that claims to be the core, is a false front developed by the programmers. The real core is an essence--the soul, the deep part of the mind that remains alive when the central controls of the fourth brain completely decouples itself from identifying with life. In reality, the area of the brain that is normally imprinted by the events of life and grows up with a concept of self has decided to separate itself from external reality and goes into hiding. A variation of this is autism. In this case, the complete mind retreats from reality, rather than the soul. Many therapists ignorantly set their primary goal with DID programmed multiples to be the integration of the core. They are ignoring the fundamental issue for the victim's mind. The fundamental issue is that the core's survival demanded separation from external reality, and the creation of separate dissociative states to contain the traumas being heaped upon the victim. The driving motivation at the deepest level of the mind is to preserve the safety of this elusive core. Traditional therapies have worked against helping victims, because these therapies attempt to expose the core to reality, which aggravates and strengthens deep resistance by the victim to therapy, because the decoupling from reality is the imprinted survival mechanism of the mind. The Illuminati try to insure that the core never wants to rejoin the world by:
a. programming many alters to believe that they will go psychotic or kill themselves if the core is touched,
b. that trauma keeps the core distant, therefore, the greater the victim's ongoing abusive relationship with the cult, then the greater the "safety" of the core.
c. internal worlds are created with walls protected by demons and suicide programs to prevent alters from reintegrating or connecting with anything else such as the core.
d. internal conflicts are set up to keep the alters fighting and disconnected from each other. Alters which fear the abusers must somehow resolve their fear with alters who identify with and mimic their abusers. The mess that is created, sets up an environment that places the core in an impossible situation. If the sense-of-self were ever to return to rejoin reality, how would it ever resolve all these conflicts or live with such a mess in reality? The sense-of-self may subconsciously give its energy to part of the mind, but it is not doing so in a conscious manner, because it has detached itself from identifying with what is going on.
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The Illuminati perceive the core as that soul, that breathe of life that God breathed into Adam, to make him a living soul. This is not entirely off-base. The energy of an alter system comes from that 4th brain which is also that area of the brain that is involved with one's sense of self. The programmers perceive that the core's existence only remains in its ability to create parts of the mind to maintain its life. The core is like a soul--perhaps it is the soul of a person, and it creates alters to maintain its own integrity and safety. The Illuminati carry out a final ritual when a hierarchy person is ritually murdered where the successor sucks the dying person's last breath out in order to capture the soul. Whatever the exact substance and nature of the core, whatever the detailed mechanics within the brain were when it dissociated itself from reality, the core still remains a very touchy issue for therapists. Therapists should approach alters that are core splits with great gentleness, honesty, love and kindness. Back door techniques should be used for talking through to a system of alters without attempts to go directly toward the "core". Attempts to go directly toward the core will most likely be frustrated and stopped by the victim's alter system, but the energy that is wasted in such a move is not healthy. If a child victim were never to suffer trauma after the initial core split, the programmers discovered that at some point years down the line, the core will want to reconnect to reality. Now that we have explored some of the basics concerning the core, it is time to discuss the deeper realities of what happens to the core during programming. This information has never seen the light of day. We are able to provide it, because sad-to-say, our system had a level of programming alters who programmed and helped with the tests that showed what we are about to reveal. Until recently, the world (with the exception of the programmers) was too iguorant to be able to understand what we will reveal. We trust that there are a small group of therapists that are now ready to utilize the deeper secrets of what happens to the core. Remember, that the Vol. 2 book discussed the PDE, the Splitting of the Core trauma. This is actually a long series of traumas, that culminates in the mind deciding to split itself with dissociative barriers. This original PDE trauma provides some parts of the mind that love their master and some parts that fear (fear as in raw terror) the master. These two themes--LOVE & FEAR-- are skillfully used by the programmers to build a protective shield around the core for the front part (host part) of the system. The front part is built from the first PDE and then it is left in relative "peace" so that it has enough stability to function in the real world. That doesn't mean the front has a life of ease, it just isn't subjected to what the deeper parts have to endure.
The deeper parts will be derived from the second major programming trauma of the system. But before we get into that, let's briefly touch on the LOVE/FEAR issues that protect the core. The love that the core has for its primary caretaker (refer back to Vol. 2, chptr. one, where it describes the excellent caretaking
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& love bonding) is powerful and pertains to parent-young imprinting learning. There is a susceptible period that is built in during those first two years, where the psychic organizer emerges. (Refer to Hess, Eckard H. Imprinting Early Experience & the Developmental Psychobiology of Attachment, p. 340.) It has been clearly demonstrated by scientific research that the baby has an innate drive for love from a mother figure. This love is a primary need of the infant--without this love, some babies give up and die. This is not surprising, many people can realize this without the specific scientific proof. That primal need for love is exploited by the programmers. The parts of the mind holding this powerful primal love will split from the parts holding the raw terror of the PDE. When one tries to approach getting to the core from the host level, the alters holding the love of the master will protect the core. What has been discovered then is that the fear then protects that love. There are lots of silhouetted parts brought into this love-fear relationship of alters. This love-fear relationship has defeated the best therapists, because until the therapist can unravel such situation and these issues the mind will not let them get to the real core. Because the basis for the original splitting was RAW TERROR on the part of the core, it goes into hiding. It is very difficult for the core to be accessed, because he/she will only appear if he/or she has absolute and great trust in who is calling it up. As far as we know, there has never been a genuine core accessed by anyone outside of the Illuminati/& other programming cults. The Illuminati must have a very caring Mother-of-Darkness establish a trust relationship with the core BEFORE the PDE. This tender loving Mother-of-Darkness then can be used to pull up the core for work. Because our system (your author Cisco) was noted for its tenderness, we often received the job of being the "Mother" for systems which were being programmed. That is why we can pass on so much of the real secrets of what the core is all about. Hypnotic access codes are given to the core, which work only if used by that individual which the core greatly trusts. Working with the core splits which have the love/fear dichotomy does not establish rapport with the core. The real core has retreated far into the mind--under the basement of the mind, and lays under the hell pit that is built by the Illuminati at the basement of the mind. (What this means is that some of what was written in Vol. 2 about the carousel was cover programming. Splits from the core are strategically placed in the system to make those who work very hard think they have gotten to the core. This is not just for the protection of the programming, but this safety feature also protects the very life of the programmed multiple. It is not a safe thing for a programmed multiple's core to be played with.) When a tender mother pulls a core up, what will she find? The core comes up in its fear. Centuries of Illuminati programming experience have clearly demonstrated that the core is the only part of the mind that has a true awareness of itself, such as its age, and a reality of its own. However, because the core stays in the basement of mind, it does not experience life. When it is pulled up, it will look around, notice that it has aged, wonder where the years have gone, but it doesn't go into denial or into psychotic fantasy or some other defense.
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It will simply accept reality, and reject all the fantasy. The core will NOT remember its memories of abuse. It may have some issues regarding some things, but its thinking is healthy and true to itself. Again the core is the only part that is true to her or his self. The programmers do use the core for some types of programming, but not in the sense that they use alters. The host (front) personality that lives in the day-to-day world will be strongly grounded in reality, but in a different way than the core. With the exceptions of the few host personalities that experience life day-to-day and the core, who can somehow access the truth when it awakes and comes to the front of the mind, MOST of the alters live at the age they were created at or have been hypnotically assigned. They do not experience life in a 3-dimension matter-space-time world. Life is 2-dimensional, without a concept of time. The Illuminati prefer they don't wear watches for this reason. After lots of integration work, trust work, and memory work, it may be possible to access the core through some of its closer splits. Before discussing the second major programming trauma to the core, it is extremely important to disclose a major secret that the Illuminati programmers came up against. In fact, due to their prideful beliefs that they were gods, it was a rather touchy sensitive subject to talk about when we worked with major programmers. In spite of it being a touchy subject, it was such a major subject, we did have some conversations concerning it. The programmers called it "THE ETERNAL LIGHT". It was also referred to as "the SOUL". Different programmers speculated about what this light was, a few thought it was the Guardian Angel that God assigued to each person, one thought it was the part of man that would face Almighty God on judgement day, and "bow its knee". (If it's hard for the reader to conceive that Illuminati programmers know Biblical verses such as "all knees will bow before God" and theological concepts, then read Aleister Crowley, who as a Satanist, knew Bible concepts and theology in detail. Also remember, some Christian ministers have a secondary vocation as Illuminati programmers.) It can be understood why programmers (who of course were Illuminati masters & adepts) would call this LIGHT "the soul" because they were steeped in Greek philosophy. The concept of the immortality of the soul was an idea of the mystery religions of Babylon, and was elaborated upon by the Greek philosopher Plato. This greek philosophical idea of the word "soul" clouds the biblical meaning for the word. In the Hebrew scriptures the word "soul" is the Hebrew word "nephesh" and in the Greek, it is "psykhe". In the Word of God, Genesis 2:7 states, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being (nephesh)." What is significant here is that man was not given a soul (nephesh), but rather "became a living soul". The Greek scriptures also say in 1 COR 15:45, "The first man Adam BECAME a living soul (psycke)". It is clear from many other scriptures that soul (nephesh and psykhe--psykhai in plural form) meant the body and mind of a person. This nephesh can die. EZE 18:4b states, "The soul
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(nephesh) who sins shall die." However, though the soul (mind and body) dies, the spirit returns to God, who gave it. ECC 12:7, "Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, And the spirit will return to God who gave it." The Bible uses the Hebrew word ruach and the Greek word pneuma for our word "spirit." It is very clear in numerous scriptures that the spirit is a powerful active force which has intellect. It is a person. The Holy Spirit could be blasphemed, and lied to. In turn it taught, and spoke and comforted. If a spirit can speak, teach and comfort, what is it? In programming, we programmers came in contact with this spirit that God places in each person, and it caused us fits. Each person's God-given spirit was a powerful light that had intellect which attached itself to the core, but could be separated from the core. When the core comes up, this attached light form (the God-given spirit) would come up with it. This God-given spirit had no memory of abuse, it simply had energy, intellect and a power to protect the core. The essence of this God-given spirit was impossible for pre-verbal children or young children to describe. It has been the object of scientific research. One thing that the Illuminati have long known about this God-given spirit--it never works, it never takes on any responsibilities, like the entire rest of the system will do. The rest of the system will be a system of dissociative pieces of the mind, and alters who often have some type of job. This isn't the case for the God-given spirit, or what the programmers called THE ETERNAL LIGHT. From experience it is also clear that the eternal light, although it wasn't the core, somehow was a reflection, a total reflection of the core. We knew these things as oath-bound Luciferian programmers, long before we ever contemplated getting to know the Christian God. The Spirit was an intelligent life-force, a preserver of life. When the major programmers got into big trouble and their child slave was going to die, go insane or was splintering uncontrollably, even though they disliked the ETERNAL LIGHT because it was more powerful than they were, they would call it up, and get it to assist in bringing healing, life, and integration to the victim. This God-given spirit was like God's own spirit, in that it gives its help to the good and bad alters, the just and the unjust alters. It is reminiscent of Christ's words, "Your Father in heaven...He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." MT 5:45 The Eternal Light can integrate parts of the core or as far as that goes any alters that have split. It is so powerful that the Programmers know that if they pull it up and attach it to alters that they are torturing, that it will provide a protective covering so hard that they can't cause the mind to splinter. Another thing that centuries of programming experience has shown is that the eternal light does not know that it is connected to the core. The God-given spirit needs to be taught if it is know that it is connected to the core. The programmers of course do not teach this to it. The Illuminati have done lots of tests (and we observed some of these) where the core and its God-given spirit were allowed to spend positive time with a portion of alters. The core and its
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spirit would automatically integrate all these parts back together. Therapists spend hundreds of hours trying to get cooperation between alters, and yet the core and its spirit can integrate them in a flash if given a safe opportunity. Now you're beginning to see the power of a safe environment for the core. However, the top therapists (Dr.s of Psychiatry) are out on speaking circuit teaching that it doesn't matter if your client is safe, you can still accomplish good. As a victim would you like to cross the Pacific swimming or flying in a 747 jet? Or to make the analogy more accurate, which choice would you want if you couldn't even swim? When Fritz, our co-author worked 24 hours a day to provide our system a safe place, numerous therapists and deliverance ministries came out of the woodwork to publicly attack him. A few wise people are beginning to realize that safety of the victim IS THE NUMBER ONE ISSUE, AND THE BEGINNING ISSUE. If the victim is left alone in safety and with trustworthy loving people, at some point the core and its God-given spirit could integrate everything back in an effortless manner. Certain people are beginning to realize that the main part of a treatment plan is safety. (Unfortunately, the safety issues are far more vast than therapists care to admit. This book and the Vol. 2 Formula book are laying the foundation down for how varied and technologically advanced their control is. An afternoon with a Christian minister is not going to provide the security for the mind to let down its protective mechanisms. What is happening when skilled Christian ministers access what they think is the core, is that they are getting at best core splits. Having core splits heal is very powerful. That means that foundational sections of programming are automatically ripped up. One major drawback that is preventing more success is that the core is not understood, and the issues of safety are not being understood and addressed. When the God-given spirit joins itself to a group of alters, the Illuminati testing shows that it can take on a memory, bring the core along, and make that section the leader of the pack in the mind. In fact, knowledge of this is going to be used unfortunately for great evil, rather than for the good of humanity. Soon the Anti-Christ is to take power. At pre-arranged points in time, the hierarchy alters are to be given the core and the Eternal Light, and the rest of the minds of these slaves will be placed hypnotically under the hell-pit, where the cores are presently asleep. This means thousands of hierarchy Illuminati members will switch from their Christian host personalities, into people who day-to-day have very strong luciferian personalities which serve the Anti-Christ. Therapists, who have spent years in agonizing patient work using primitive often-damaging methods to help their programmed multiples, are going to see their work go down the drain literally overnight. A therapist, who has spent 10 years piddling around with stabilizing a few front alters, will find they no longer exist within the working part of the client's mind. Some of these therapists are even targeted to be killed. Some of these therapists are Illuminati multiples themselves, who will go back to continue helping with the large-scale operations of mind-control programming.
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In order to deceive both the therapists and the victims themselves, the programmers carry out several well-designed, excellently executed deceptions. An early split of the mind is pulled up which will perceive itself as light. This part will be shamed and called "bad magic, and treated like it is the core. It will then be placed in a box and sent into the outer-space of the victim's mind. A few young watcher alters will see this, and believe they have spotted the core being placed in a box. This light will be allowed to come up to help the system when it is in trouble. Because it is not the real core, it can't protect other alters. When the alters in trouble see that they are not being helped, they feel betrayed by the core, and feel helpless. They have no idea how powerful the real core can really be. In fact some alters are programmed to believe that the core is responsible for their problems. Some of the alters walk around internally with a bad attitude toward the core. The programmers put the core to sleep with the sleeping beauty story.
Another early core split will be placed in the carousel, along with 3 demons ask to function as a false trinity, and many mirrors for entrapment. Other core splits will be placed as blackmail in special castles. These will often be called 'the core" by the programmers in order to confuse the victim. The second major core programming trauma takes place in a sensory deprivation tank under a controlled LSD trip. Readers can consult Chapter 3 of this Deeper Insights book, approx. page 28-32 for a description of how the sensory deprivation tank programming under LSD is carried out. The initial sensory deprivation trauma is done with the core and it shows no mercy upon the mind of the victim. The Illuminati want to have the victim go through the eight emotions and the five senses, in other words 13 categories of splitting. During the sensory deprivation experience they want the victim to go through love, fear, anger, confusion, pain, shame, despair, self-hate, and then the loss of each of the five senses (one by one) taste, hearing, pain, hot-cold, seeing, and finally a sense of being nothing. The mind of even the child victim is vast. As the lonely isolation and torture begins in the isolation tank, the mind finally reaches a point where it begins splitting and splitting. When the child is splitting due to fear, at some point the mind reaches exhaustion of this feeling, and begins entering into another response, perhaps anger. The mind will unravel in dissocation with the new emotion until again the mind switches and tries another response to its entrapment. The body is wide open for demonic forces to take advantage of the pained/drug state of the child's mind. The Illuminati work to demonize the child while it is suffering under the full impact of the sensory isolation tank. Gradually the child begins to die. As the mind under LSD begins to feel its molecules evaporating into nothinguess, the child approaches death. The mind gives away the body. Then the spirit--the Eternal Light leaves the body. After years of experience, the Illuminati has scientifically figured out how long they can wait after what they call the "soul"--the God-given spirit leaves, before they hit the child with electroshock to revive its life. The core really believes it has died. (Chapter 10 of this book addresses the manipulation of near-death experiences by the Illuminati.) The Illuminati literally snatch the life of the child back into its body.
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Now the job comes to take the 13 different stages and to build alters from those different dissociative states. From the state where the core has given up identity with its body, no longer sees itself as human, and considers itself dead, the Illuminati will take these hundreds or thousands of dissociative pieces and program them to see themselves as butterflies. In the sensory deprivation tank they are like tiny fficks of light. But the hypnotic suggestion is given that they are butterflies. This is just one of many reasons why the term Monarch programming is appropriate. These parts of the mind will make up one of the most secret parts of an Illuminati system. We are now revealing this secret grid for the first time. The butterflies are placed into the first grid of alters near the core. This grid forms a net around the core. These butterflies are floaters, that encircle the core. This is the sixth grid, but in Illuminati programmer parlance the grid is called a "DIMENSION". These protective butterflies are dehumanized and hold the victim's final fear as the victim died. Only four strong splits from this time period of the tank trauma are not made into butterflies. They are made into four cornerstones (also called the "FOUR GATES TO HEAVEN", north, east, west, and south. These become the points of the compass upon which the system of alters will be structured. The four gates to heaven create a foundational pattern for an internal clock, a compass, and a seasonal/ritual clock. Another set of alters that will come from the tank experience are the gems. The gems are discussed in Vol. 2. They will be placed in the first dimension, along with a carousel. From the gems, ribbons will be created that run to the internal computers. The ribbons will have to learn access codes and other codes to mediate between the gems and the computers on each of the levels (dimensions). Each of the six main dimensions (also called sections on the alter grids that the handler carries around), will have a mirror. Of course the programmer can create any configuration he wants, but the 13 x 13 x 13 cube is a very common Illuminati system. Other common configurations area sphere, and a double pyramid. The Illuminati like to give a 3-D effect to their alter systems. The sequence of splitting alters from alters goes horizontally and vertically and downward. To chart out a genealogy of the time sequence on how alters arrived becomes a series of breaks in several directions. Needless to say, the programmers do chart all these breaks. They also keep a resevior of unused clean slate alters. The programmers are unable to touch the God-given spirit. This Eternal Light remains unsplintered and powerful throughout the life of the victim. It is hidden along with the core to prevent integration of the victim's mind. While it is possible for the cult to bring the core up, it doesn't serve any purpose for them to injure the core after they have created a system. There will always be a part of the core they cannot reach unless they destroy the individual.
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Theories that the most cult obedient and mean alters are those farthest from the core are not based on reality. There is some partial correctness to the concept that those victims who have a better connection between their core and their alters heal better, but when the actual programming sequence and methodology is laid out for the reader as we have done in our books, hopefully the reader will realize that most of the time the core is sleeping (Sleeping Beauty) and thinks she is dead and waiting for her Prince to kiss her and bring her back to life. She is not lurking in the background cognizant of every conversation like some therapists have begun telling each other. A sound strategy for working on the core issues, would be to get the system in a place of complete safety, and then work to stabilize the system of alters, and then begin doing memory work and building trust. When the mind is ready, then some core split alters can be healed as a potential gateway to lowering the fears of the core. Some of the readers of this book will not have a Christian perspective. We encourage them to see the healing power of forgiveness, and love that a Christlike view offers to victims. In the reality of the real world, all men have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The core was not evil--it was simply a helpless innocent victim of overwhelming abuse. Of anybody who can understand pain, it is the Son of God (Emmanuel) who suffered innocently like-the core did. As the ministers preach, we are all guilty of the death of Christ. This means that terms like "man of God", "perpetrator" and "victim" begin to lose much meaning as we approach the glorious brilliant light of Christ. Without forgiveness, we are all sinners worthy of death. But we are also the apple of God's eye. There is nothing that can stand in the way of His forgiving love if we want it in our lives. One of the biggest proofs of that redeeming love of God Almighty, has been carefully hidden by the programmers--it is that Eternal Light, that God-given spirit that the programmers have never conquered.
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Today, we live in a dark age. We trust that you will find some exciting liberating ideas within this article. Christ wondered if he would find any faith left when he returned. The answers we will provide you in this article are not something you will find in the establishment churches, but are fresh revelations from the throne of God. Fritz & I have worked together on this article, and this article will reflect what we have been taught by the Holy Spirit. As anyone, who has read about total mind-control, can realize, victims of 'total mind-control are in the greatest need for deliverance that one could imagine. Why don't victims just choose health? Why don't victims simply walk out and grab their freedom? The answer goes back to understanding love and free-will. God gave free-will to that part of His creation that can know good & evil, especially humankind. That was His sovereign choice, and it was an action based on the nature of God which is love. Love does not seek its own, but seeks to build others up. The Kingdom of God has as its foundation love. We are called to speak truth in love. Satan's Kingdom is built upon fear. How many churches operate on the foundation of fear? Sadly too many. Satan constructs all his governments, whether judicial, political or religious on a foundation of fear. He then takes that foundation of fear, and applies it in such a way as to get fear's maximum leverage power to motivate people. While applying trauma along with drugs and hypnosis to people's lives, Satan gets the maximum leverage out of their fear. He uses the greatest power he can get out of fear to harden the points where people have free choice. Imagine a piece of farm machinery that has been allowed to rust and harden. The joints, the hinges no longer have freedom of movement. They are rusted into one position. The joints have lost their freedom of choice. Now the farmer comes along and applies a lubricant to clean and loosen those frozen joints. The deliverance minister is finding the juncture of choice and he is pouring kindness upon that frozen juncture, and that oil of kindness lubricates it free. Now the person has freedom of choice. A spirit is love applied to the frozen hardened joints of life is a deliverance ministry. Sometimes unfortunately, the rust is so hard that the person must be broken, because the place where the free-will, the place where their options were stolen can not be restored. Satan knows that people would naturally choose paradise, would naturally choose love & good things. First, God created man in His own image, and we still have a built in desire to do saintly things, although our perfect nature has been corrupted. Satan must trick, and tweak, and loop and snake our free will, to the point that we will give up our freedom, that we will give up our free will, and that we will agree to his life of bondage. That is what Fritz's half of the book was about. In Fritz's half, he showed how Satan destroys that free will, how he shifts and snakes, he deceives, he manipulates and bends, and muddies the waters until a person doesn't know where he is, nor what his choices are. After all the horrendous programming, the victim "willingly" wants to give up their free will, but at that time the alters do not even realize what they are giving up nor what is going on. God continues to gently call people to Him. It is a wooing. A man is wooed by a pretty girl, not compelled. God's beauty compellingly woos us. However, some churches because they are not on the right foundations, see something wrong with someone and they come over and lay their hands on them and knock 'em down. The idea of coming up to people and attacking their demons is spiritual rape. The demons do have to obey certain
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spiritual laws, but "raping" people was not Christ's method of deliverance. Let's look at the way Christ dealt with people and demonic problems.
· The mother of Zebedee's son comes to him, and he says, "What do you wish?" (MT 20:21)
· The multitudes come to him, and Christ says, "What do you want Me to do for you?" (MT 20:32)
· James & John come to Christ, and he says, "What do you want Me to do for you?" MK 10:36
· A blind man on the road to Jerico comes to Christ, and Christ asks, "What do you want Me to do for you?" MK 10:5 1, LK 18:4 1
· Two of John's disciples approach Jesus, and Christ asks, "What do you seek?" JN 1:38
· At the marriage supper, a woman asks a favor & Christ asks, "Woman, what does your concern have to do with me?" (JN 2:4)
Christ told his disciples that whatever they asked in faith, that is what their heavenly Father would give them. (MK 11:24) Christ is very similar to the Father, he waited until people asked and explained what they wanted. The entire course or tenor of Christ's life was a savior who waited until a person's free will was ready for a deliverance. Christ wooed people to God. There is no wooing people to God, when demons are forcibly eradicated without a person's consent. Does that mean that there is no place for aggressive deliverance? If we wait for some people to ask for freedom, they may never ask. With victims of mind-control, the controlling demons are sealed over and hidden quite deeply and Lucifer allows other demons to protect him in the system. Jesus went in and cleansed the temple of the money changers. Here was a situation where God's temple was being desecrated. Most people are not aware of how the money changers were desecrating God's temple, so allow us to explain this. The nation of Israel was to be the light of earth through which God poured His blessings out on mankind. The nation of Israel was to bless the world. Instead, the religious spirits lorded over the nation. The Israelites scorned everyone else (the Gentiles) as unclean. The temple's outer court was where the gentiles were to be ministered to & were to come to God. Instead the Jews gave it over to a Spirit of Mammon. Money changers were blocking the purpose of that area of the Temple, which was meant to be the salvation of the unclean, not the enrichment of the self-righteous. Notice the religious judging spirit in the Temple rulers, for soon afterwards they were judging Jesus for spending time with children in the Temple. Jesus was hoping they would learn a lesson, he said, "Yes. And have you never read what is written in the Psalms, "Out of the mouth of babes and little ones, thou hast made thy praise perfect?" There is a place in God's hearts for child alters & baby alters. And this then leads us to one of the best illustrations of deliverance in the Word of God. Jesus told the story of a man on the lonely road to Jerico. He had been attacked by a gang of robbers and left in the ditch for dead. Two religious men came by and judged him as unclean. The judging spirits that were in their hearts convinced these men of the lie that you get better by avoiding the unclean, rather than ministering to the unclean. (We have seen our share of ministers who have hated to see people working with programmed multiples. Fritz lost most of his Christians friends in order to work with us. Some of them got angry that someone would want to help someone like us.) But there was a Samaritan that came along. Now remember, the Samaritan was considered unclean and a dog by the men with the religious judging spirits. The religious judging spirit doesn't want to enter into a real walk with God, and it will do all it can to prevent others. But this Samaritan who was considered unclean by the religious, comes and pulls the man out of the pit, and dresses his wounds, which means squeezing out the dross. He gives the man food and water to promote life. He pours in all this stuff into the
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man's wounds. Then he binds the wounds so that the skin will form a protection. He took what had carried him through life (his own donkey or horse) and took him to a place of safety and protection. But the Samaritan didn't consider his deliverance over. He wanted to get the man to the end point. So he gave the inn keeper money, and told the inn keeper to take care of him, and if he ran up a bill, the Samaritan would take care of it on a return trip. THIS was a real deliverance ministry. This was a real deliverance. The religious heap the burdens of the cross or many crosses onto other people. The real deliverance ministries are like the "religiously unclean" Samaritan. When the religious leaders of Jesus' day came to him and asked him on what authority he did his good works, Jesus told them a story. "But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, 'Son, go, work today in my vineyard.' He answered and said, 'I will not,' but afterward he regretted it and went. 'Then he came to the second and said likewise. And he answered and said, 'I go, sir,' but he did not go. Which of the two did the will of his father?" They said to Him, "The first." Jesus said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you." Today, we have a entire class of professional ministers (master pastors) who are ministered to by their congregations. They consider the idea of stopping to bandage up the unclean to be repulsive. The broken souls of the programmed multiples are those who Christ came to deliver. He cameto set the captives free. The deliverance ministry will visit those who are in the prisons created by mind-control programming, they will give food and water to those in these "prisons" and liberate them. Deliverance is love in action. The oil and wine that the Samaritan put on the man's wounds are symbolic of the power & authority of God that we minister to people. They are also symbolic of the grace and truth. Another parallel meaning to the oil & wine is the anointing and the new life that are given to those that the world has left for dead in the gutter. Deliverance is a restoration. The goal of the restoration is new life, the ultimate goal of deliverance is the ultimate new life in Christ. The new life in Christ is when Christ is on the throne in a person's life. That is a distant goal for some programmed multiples. However, we must not elevate the process above the goal. In deliverance ministries today, many of them have elevated the process above the goal. We must keep the authority of Christ as the number one issue, and keep beholding him as an example to us. As the correct foundation is built, a godly structure based upon the His five attributes comes into being. (See the article on "Protection, Spiritual") then the lower level demons can't handle the heat given off by the light of truth and they rise to the surface as dross and can be dealt with. The deeper big daddy demons are going to take a special deliverance similar to Christ's cleansing of the temple. When the Holy Spirit has a claim on someone's life, then a Temple cleansing may be in store. We must insure to lose good spirits to replace evil ones. The Children of Light do not negotiate with darkness. Darkness does not want to negotiate with light anyway. The Child of God walks in peace, because he is secure in who his Father is. This does not mean that he tempts God by bungy jumping every situation. It means that he doesn't walk in fear, but that he takes with him the real keys to the Kingdom of God which are light, life and love. Love, light and life in their fullest meanings will open doors to riches that the slave could never dream of.
Deliverance is not a short term work. For a programmed multiple it will be a life of healing. When God continues to build his structure in you (see page 365), replacing the satanic structure, God will begin resting more
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of His glory within His structure. God's glory will expose and help cleanse the Temple. It will make the victim want to work hard to keep the Temple clean. Some people think that God simply wants to put His anointing onto people. He is trying to build His structure within His willing children. After that structure (His nature and character is built) then the anointing has a place to rest. Prayer, which is based upon the five elements of God's structure, is like an offensive lance. The armor of God listed in Ephesians 6 includes 6 items. It does not mention anything that is clearly offensive. Prayer is offensive and aggressive in nature. It is seeking that which we do not have. Prayer can deliver a wound into the enemy through which supernatural love can be poured in to melt the hard spots that Satan has created. One of the five elements of God's structure is life, which means growth. The healing victim if they are alive must keep growing, because that is the nature of life. The Word says that God's Kingdom will always increase. We go from glory to glory. We grow up and grow up and grow up. If we stop growing, we can rest in God, but if we are not resting in Him or growing, then we are in a death process. We are to occupy until the Lord comes. While we occupy the land, God comes and builds His structures within us. What gives life to the victim of mind-control? There are various approaches to demons. Some say that they are only psychological illusions, they pass by on the road to Jerico. Some say that although demons exist, they are rare, so it is not likely that the victim has a serious problem. They pass by too on the road to Jerico. Others pass by and say, "I'll pray for you." Others shout the name of Jesus and pass on. Others use their psychic abilities to notice from a distance what the demons are. In other words, they identify the problem, but pass by expecting that a few words will bind up the half-dead man. The other approaches are various ideas on how to help the man in the ditch. What we have been trying to do, is give people an idea on how half-dead people can be mended. This is somewhat of a spiritual first-aid class. There will be situations that people will need our help in deliverance. They simply can't mend their own wounds, nor even see them to clean them. Deliverance prayers and supplications can be made that God would enlighten the victim, that God's angels would provide protection, and that evil spirits would be contained or kept away. Because demons are in ranks and in hierarchal structures, it makes sense to try to go to the top to do business. The ranking demon may be asked on what spiritual grounds he has a right to be present. The legal right for that demon can be confessed and removed. Long story made short, demons must submit to the authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and His blood. If the deliverance minister walks in that authority, he can command that demon to leave. The response by demons when commanded to leave is varied. They will play many tricks to try and stay or to try and protect their leaders. Followup is important and the goal is a complete cleansing. If you are going toward the rest room, to take two steps in that direction is just not going to do the job. Go all the way. Keep praying and commanding and confessing. Having a prayer group in support helps. With victims of mind-control we are dealing with big daddy demons that the normal person has not had to deal with. The Illuminati programmed multiples are the pride of Satan. They don't surrender easily.
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DENIAL, identifying and dealing with defense mechanisms
Part of the reason that the Monarch trauma-based mind-control's programming is successful is because the mind will naturally defend itself against threatening ideas. This defense is usually on a subconscious level--that is, people often do not even realize that the mind is putting up defenses. This is because the human mind is SO GOOD at defending itself. If our minds were to allow us to realize our minds defend themselves from something--then that would in itself indicate that what is being denied was real--so even the denial is denied! Denial is a natural part of the mind's abilities. However, denial can often prevent us from moving forward and facing the issues we actually need to face. There are several forms of denial and we need to identify and recognize these forms in order to identify and recognize these forms in ourselves. I will now list some of the kinds (forms) of denial that a person can have.
· SIMPLE DENIAL: Pretending that something does not exist when it really does, for instance ignoring & discounting physical symptoms that may indicate the presence of problems. (For instance, the host personality of a programmed multiple will destroy evidence of the existence of any other alter.)
· MINIMIZING: Being willing to acknowledge a problem, but unwilling to see its severity. (For instance, the front alters will acknowledge their ways some past abuse, but they will minimize the extent of the abuse, and they will not acknowledge that the abuse is ongoing.)
· BLAMING: putting the blame on someone else for causing the problem; the behavior is not denied, but its cause is someone else's fault. (Examples, are blaming one's parents for your adult behavior, blaming one's husband or wife for one's overeating. In terms of programming, an example would be that some alters perceive that other alters are the cause of their problems, but that they are just fine.)
· EXCUSING: Offering excuses, alibis, justifications and other explanations for our own or other's behavior. For instance, calling the boss for a friend and telling the boss the person is sick when they are really drunk. (This is a built in mechanism of the mind-control. For instance, an assassination alter will be told that the target they killed deserved to die.)
· GENERALIZING: Dealing with problems on a general level, but avoiding personal and emotional awareness of the situation or conditions. Example is when we might sympathize with a friend's "flu" problems when the real problem is a drug problem. (Some alters tell the therapist, "I'm not in therapy, the other alter is in therapy." The problem of mind-control is not being addressed as mind-control, the real issue is being disavowalled. Some therapists contribute to this because they don't understand the dynamics of mind-control, and they mistakingly think that their client is the host alter. They are failing to see the bigger picture.)
· DODGING: Changing the subject to avoid threatening topics, this includes being adept at small talk, never getting to real issues. (Alters love to talk about non-threatening issues with their therapists, as great deal of busy work can take place without much progress.)
· ATTACKING: Becoming angry and irritable when reference is made to the existing condition, thus avoiding the issue. This includes being unwilling to share one's feelings.
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Children and even adults will perceive certain new foods as dangerous and painful. They will do anything and make any excuse not to eat what they don't want to. At times there are legitimate concerns, but in general what is perceived as threatening is not. If the child ate his broccoli or his peas he would in fact be getting better nutrition. Denial seems to protect us--but often it protects us from what we really need to deal with.
Urantia Book, 44:0.11 - The Celestial Artisans
Never in your long ascendancy will you lose the power to recognize your associates of former existences. Always, as you ascend inward in the scale of life, will you retain the ability to recognize and fraternize with the fellow beings of your previous and lower levels of experience. Each new translation or resurrection will add one more group of spirit beings to your vision range without in the least depriving you of the ability to recognize your friends and fellows of former estates.
Princess Bride 1987 Wallace Shawn (Vizzini) and Mandy Patinkin (Inigo Montoya)
Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. -
Urantia Book, 117:4.14 - The Finite God
And here is mystery: The more closely man approaches God through love, the greater the reality -- actuality -- of that man. The more man withdraws from God, the more nearly he approaches nonreality -- cessation of existence. When man consecrates his will to the doing of the Father's will, when man gives God all that he has, then does God make that man more than he is.
Urantia Book, 167:7.4 - The Talk About Angels
"And do you not remember that I said to you once before that, if you had your spiritual eyes anointed, you would then see the heavens opened and behold the angels of God ascending and descending? It is by the ministry of the angels that one world may be kept in touch with other worlds, for have I not repeatedly told you that I have other sheep not of this fold?"
Urantia Book, Foreword - 0:12.12 - The Trinities
But we know that there dwells within the human mind a fragment of God, and that there sojourns with the human soul the Spirit of Truth; and we further know that these spirit forces conspire to enable material man to grasp the reality of spiritual values and to comprehend the philosophy of universe meanings. But even more certainly we know that these spirits of the Divine Presence are able to assist man in the spiritual appropriation of all truth contributory to the enhancement of the ever-progressing reality of personal religious experience—God-consciousness.
Urantia Book, 1:4.3 - The Mystery Of God
When you are through down here, when your course has been run in temporary form on earth, when your trial trip in the flesh is finished, when the dust that composes the mortal tabernacle "returns to the earth whence it came"; then, it is revealed, the indwelling "Spirit shall return to God who gave it." There sojourns within each moral being of this planet a fragment of God, a part and parcel of divinity. It is not yet yours by right of possession, but it is designedly intended to be one with you if you survive the mortal existence.
Urantia Book, 1:4.1 - The Mystery Of God
And the greatest of all the unfathomable mysteries of God is the phenomenon of the divine indwelling of mortal minds. The manner in which the Universal Father sojourns with the creatures of time is the most profound of all universe mysteries; the divine presence in the mind of man is the mystery of mysteries.
Urantia Book, 1:4.6 - The Mystery Of God
To every spirit being and to every mortal creature in every sphere and on every world of the universe of universes, the Universal Father reveals all of his gracious and divine self that can be discerned or comprehended by such spirit beings and by such mortal creatures. God is no respecter of persons, either spiritual or material. The divine presence which any child of the universe enjoys at any given moment is limited only by the capacity of such a creature to receive and to discern the spirit actualities of the supermaterial world.
Urantia Book, 11:0.1 - The Eternal Isle Of Paradise
Paradise is the eternal center of the universe of universes and the abiding place of the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, the Infinite Spirit, and their divine co-ordinates and associates. This central Isle is the most gigantic organized body of cosmic reality in all the master universe. Paradise is a material sphere as well as a spiritual abode. All of the intelligent creation of the Universal Father is domiciled on material abodes; hence must the absolute controlling center also be material, literal. And again it should be reiterated that spirit things and spiritual beings are real.
Urantia Book, 50:6.4 - Planetary Culture
Culture presupposes quality of mind; culture cannot be enhanced unless mind is elevated. Superior intellect will seek a noble culture and find some way to attain such a goal. Inferior minds will spurn the highest culture even when presented to them ready-made.
Urantia Book, 54:1.6 - True And False Liberty
True liberty is the associate of genuine self-respect; false liberty is the consort of self-admiration. True liberty is the fruit of self-control; false liberty, the assumption of self-assertion. Self-control leads to altruistic service; self-admiration tends towards the exploitation of others for the selfish aggrandizement of such a mistaken individual as is willing to sacrifice righteous attainment for the sake of possessing unjust power over his fellow beings.
Urantia Book, 54:1.9 - True And False Liberty
How dare the self-willed creature encroach upon the rights of his fellows in the name of personal liberty when the Supreme Rulers of the universe stand back in merciful respect for these prerogatives of will and potentials of personality! No being, in the exercise of his supposed personal liberty, has a right to deprive any other being of those privileges of existence conferred by the Creators and duly respected by all their loyal associates, subordinates, and subjects.
Urantia Book, 54:1.8 - True And False Liberty
There is no error greater than that species of self-deception which leads intelligent beings to crave the exercise of power over other beings for the purpose of depriving these persons of their natural liberties. The golden rule of human fairness cries out against all such fraud, unfairness, selfishness, and unrighteousness.