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Secret Societies: Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge Secret Societies: Revelations About the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults

Secret Societies: Revelations About the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults Secret Societies: Revelations About the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults

With his recent best-selling books and hundreds of articles, as well as radio and TV appearances, Philip Gardiner has started a crusade for uncovering the truth, and nothing could be more indicative of that search than his latest foray into the dark and often sinister world of secret societies. Yet again, Gardiner finds himself on a journey across the world to uncover the ancient secrets of the world's most powerful men. In one dramatic episode he finds himself driven out of Berlin in a black Mercedes by a secret organization that was believed to have disappeared after the second World War and eventually arrives in a modern Nazi watering hole. Gardiner, however, survives this incredible journey and brings us the secrets of the Order held sacred for so long. Gardiner delves into a world that is often hidden from our eyes and finds himself in situations that seem to mirror the fictional world of the Da Vinci Code.

Throughout Secret Societies, Gardiner:

  • Uncovers an ancient secret society thought to have died out many years ago.
  • Gets to the core of the secret societies' belief systems.
  • Explores the secret origins of Freemasonry and the links to secret Serpent Cults.
  • Investigates the secret hidden meaning of King Arthur and Robin Hood.
  • Examines the claimants to the name of Illuminati, and analyzes the history of the group in Europe and America.
  • Reveals the secret links within the Vatican and the Nazi Party.
  • Looks in-depth at the white-powdered gold theory supposedly kept secret by orders throughout time and radically re-appraises it.
  • Shows the link between the so-called enlightenment experience and the control of our minds.

Nobody in the genre involves themselves in the tale in the same way that Gardiner does, and here he shows that the search for ultimate truth can often be a terrifying one.

About the Author

Philip Gardiner is an international best-selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary, The Shining Ones, and The Serpent Grail. He has appeared on television and radio across the world and has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers. Commited to the constant struggle to uncover the real history of mankind and the unraveling of manipulative propaganda, Gardiner hosts the Forbidden Knowledge Conference. His Website is

Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Weiser; 1 edition (June 15, 2007)

Gnosis: The Secrets of Solomon's Temple Revealed Gnosis: The Secrets of Solomon's Temple Revealed

Gnosis: The Secrets of Solomon's Temple Revealed Gnosis: The Secrets of Solomon's Temple Revealed

Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem-reputed to be the source of the most esoteric knowledge in human history-has fascinated scholars, seekers and dreamers for centuries. For generations, scholars and researchers have tried in vain to discover the fabled Temple of Solomon, only to be confronted by one problem after another. All the problems raised by these disparate and often desperate people have now been fully answered and can be revealed to the world. Through his own involvement in secret societies and his tenacious spirit, Philip Gardiner has unearthed the secrets of the Temple. From the Queen of Sheba and the arcane secrets of the Christian Gnostics to the Muslim Sufi and Hindu Avatars, Gnosis weaves a tale that is both profound and precise. Gardiner declares that the truth of Solomon's Temple has been known all along within the realm of esoteric understanding. Only one question remains: Is the world ready for the truth? Find the true secret of the Knights Templar and the mysteries of the ancients. Find the truth for yourself in Gnosis.

About the Author

Philip Gardiner is an international best-selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary, The Shining Ones, and The Serpent Grail. He has appeared on television and radio across the world and has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers. Commited to the constant struggle to uncover the real history of mankind and the unraveling of manipulative propaganda, Gardiner hosts the Forbidden Knowledge Conference. His Website is

Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Weiser; 1 edition (September 15, 2006)

Brotherhood Of The Snake: Their Time Is Running Out Brotherhood Of The Snake: Their Time Is Running Out

Brotherhood Of The Snake: Their Time Is Running Out Brotherhood Of The Snake: Their Time Is Running Out

Based on years of research into the real and ancient serpent cult that once dominated the globe, this exciting adventure is a journey into sacred mysteries and secret organisations discovered by Gardiner in real life. Dan Brown may have used other people's factual work to create the Da Vinci Code, but here Gardiner uses his own real life experiences and knowledge to forge a unique and engrossing work of fiction. This book reveals the real arcane secrets about mankind in an enjoyable and action packed adventure. Uniting fact and fiction, Gardiner takes us through the world of the adept and mystic into the real world. Hundreds of years ago any author revealing these truths would have been burned at the stake - can you decide what is fact and what is fiction?

About the Author

Philip Gardiner is an international best-selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary, The Shining Ones, and The Serpent Grail. He has appeared on television and radio across the world and has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers. Commited to the constant struggle to uncover the real history of mankind and the unraveling of manipulative propaganda, Gardiner hosts the Forbidden Knowledge Conference. His Website is

Paperback: 206 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 16, 2007)

The Urantia Book The Urantia Book
The Urantia Book The Urantia Book


Love is truly contagious and eternally creative. (p. 2018) “Devote your life to proving that love is the greatest thing in the world.” (p. 2047) “Love is the ancestor of all spiritual goodness, the essence of the true and the beautiful.” (p. 2047) The Father’s love can become real to mortal man only by passing through that man’s personality as he in turn bestows this love upon his fellows. (p. 1289) The secret of a better civilization is bound up in the Master’s teachings of the brotherhood of man, the good will of love and mutual trust. (p. 2065)


Prayer is not a technique of escape from conflict but rather a stimulus to growth in the very face of conflict. (p. 1002) The sincerity of any prayer is the assurance of its being heard. … (p. 1639) God answers man’s prayer by giving him an increased revelation of truth, an enhanced appreciation of beauty, and an augmented concept of goodness. (p. 1002) …Never forget that the sincere prayer of faith is a mighty force for the promotion of personal happiness, individual self-control, social harmony, moral progress, and spiritual attainment. (p. 999)


There is a great and glorious purpose in the march of the universes through space. All of your mortal struggling is not in vain. (p. 364) Mortals only learn wisdom by experiencing tribulation. (p. 556)


The angels of all orders are distinct personalities and are highly individualized. (p. 285) Angels....are fully cognizant of your moral struggles and spiritual difficulties. They love human beings, and only good can result from your efforts to understand and love them. (p. 419)

Our Divine Destiny

If you are a willing learner, if you want to attain spirit levels and reach divine heights, if you sincerely desire to reach the eternal goal, then the divine Spirit will gently and lovingly lead you along the pathway of sonship and spiritual progress. (p. 381) …They who know that God is enthroned in the human heart are destined to become like him—immortal. (p. 1449) God is not only the determiner of destiny; he is man’s eternal destination. (p. 67)


Almost everything of lasting value in civilization has its roots in the family. (p. 765) The family is man’s greatest purely human achievement. ... (p. 939)


…Faith will expand the mind, ennoble the soul, reinforce the personality, augment the happiness, deepen the spirit perception, and enhance the power to love and be loved. (p. 1766) “Now, mistake not, my Father will ever respond to the faintest flicker of faith.” (p. 1733)


The story of man’s ascent from seaweed to the lordship of earthly creation is indeed a romance of biologic struggle and mind survival. (p. 731) 2,500,000,000 years ago… Urantia was a well developed sphere about one tenth its present mass. … (p. 658) 1,000,000,000 years ago is the date of the actual beginning of Urantia [Earth] history. (p. 660) 450,000,000 years ago the transition from vegetable to animal life occurred. (p. 669) From the year A.D. 1934 back to the birth of the first two human beings is just 993,419 years. (p. 707) About five hundred thousand years ago…there were almost one-half billion primitive human beings on earth. … (p. 741) Adam and Eve arrived on Urantia, from the year A.D. 1934, 37,848 years ago. (p. 828)

From the Inside Flap

What’s Inside?

Parts I and II

God, the inhabited universes, life after death, angels and other beings, the war in heaven.

Part III

The history of the world, science and evolution, Adam and Eve, development of civilization, marriage and family, personal spiritual growth.

Part IV

The life and teachings of Jesus including the missing years. AND MUCH MORE…


God, …God is the source and destiny of all that is good and beautiful and true. (p. 1431) If you truly want to find God, that desire is in itself evidence that you have already found him. (p. 1440) When man goes in partnership with God, great things may, and do, happen. (p. 1467)

The Origin of Human Life, The universe is not an accident... (p. 53) The universe of universes is the work of God and the dwelling place of his diverse creatures. (p. 21) The evolutionary planets are the spheres of human origin…Urantia [Earth] is your starting point. … (p. 1225) In God, man lives, moves, and has his being. (p. 22)

The Purpose of Life, There is in the mind of God a plan which embraces every creature of all his vast domains, and this plan is an eternal purpose of boundless opportunity, unlimited progress, and endless life. (p. 365) This new gospel of the kingdom… presents a new and exalted goal of destiny, a supreme life purpose. (p. 1778)

Jesus, The religion of Jesus is the most dynamic influence ever to activate the human race. (p. 1091) What an awakening the world would experience if it could only see Jesus as he really lived on earth and know, firsthand, his life-giving teachings! (p. 2083)

Science, Science, guided by wisdom, may become man’s great social liberator. (p. 909) Mortal man is not an evolutionary accident. There is a precise system, a universal law, which determines the unfolding of the planetary life plan on the spheres of space. (p. 560)

Life after Death, God’s love is universal… He is “not willing that any should perish.” (p. 39) Your short sojourn on Urantia [Earth]…is only a single link, the very first in the long chain that is to stretch across universes and through the eternal ages. (p. 435) …Death is only the beginning of an endless career of adventure, an everlasting life of anticipation, an eternal voyage of discovery. (p. 159)

About the Author

The text of The Urantia Book was provided by one or more anonymous contributors working with a small staff which provided editorial and administrative support during the book's creation. The book bears no particular credentials (from a human viewpoint), relying instead on the power and beauty of the writing itself to persuade the reader of its authenticity.

Leather Bound: 2097 pages
Publisher: Urantia Foundation; Box Lea edition (August 25, 2015)

The Shining Ones: The World's Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed The Shining Ones: The World's Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed

The Shining Ones: The World's Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed The Shining Ones: The World's Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed

Like a great mystery novel, The Shining Ones reveals the truth about a very ancient worldwide priesthood that was lost to history, but whose wisdom and power survived through mythology and legend. The group's mission was to control the development of the world, and how their plot played out at the human and political level makes an extraordinary story. Experts on mysticism and religion, Gardiner and Osborn trace their legacy and evidence of their secret rituals in the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, and the Freemasons.

About the Author

Philip Gardiner is an international best-selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary, The Shining Ones, and The Serpent Grail. He has appeared on television and radio across the world and has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers. Commited to the constant struggle to uncover the real history of mankind and the unraveling of manipulative propaganda, Gardiner hosts the Forbidden Knowledge Conference. His Website is

Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Watkins; Revised, Updated ed. edition (August 3, 2010)

Secrets Of The Serpent: In Search Of The Sacred Past Secrets Of The Serpent: In Search Of The Sacred Past

Secrets Of The Serpent: In Search Of The Sacred Past Secrets Of The Serpent: In Search Of The Sacred Past

Across time and across the world, an ancient serpent cult once dominated mankind. Then a great battle ensued and Christianity stamped it's authority on the face of the planet. Now, after years of research, the real religious history of the world can be told. In Secrets of the Serpent, Philip Gardiner for the first time reveals the world's most mysterious places were once sacred to the Serpent Cult. The history and mythology of the so-called reptilian agenda and alien visitation in ancient times now has a solid opponent - giving answers for the many symbols and myths often confused by those who believe in such things. In Secrets of the Serpent, the author reveals the real "bloodline" spoken of by Dan Brown in the Da Vinci Code- it was in fact a serpent bloodline. Philip Gardiner is the international best selling author of Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed and many more books. The truth shall be found in the Secrets of the Serpent

About the Author

Philip Gardiner is an international best-selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary, The Shining Ones, and The Serpent Grail. He has appeared on television and radio across the world and has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers. Commited to the constant struggle to uncover the real history of mankind and the unraveling of manipulative propaganda, Gardiner hosts the Forbidden Knowledge Conference. His Website is

Paperback: 148 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 30, 2007)

The Ark, the Shroud, and Mary: The Untold Truths about the Relics of the Bible The Ark, the Shroud, and Mary: The Untold Truths about the Relics of the Bible

The Ark, the Shroud, and Mary: The Untold Truths about the Relics of the Bible The Ark, the Shroud, and Mary: The Untold Truths about the Relics of the Bible

Why do the Ark of the Covenant, Mary's reliquary box, and Jesus' Coffer all have the same imagery? Was the Ark the container of the Covenant, the Ten Commandments, or the Chalice? Does the image of the Shroud of Turin contain a bioelectric field? These questions and others will be explored in The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary.

Author Philip Gardiner recently won the acclaim of both scholars and the reading public with The Serpent Grail, which united three of the most mysterious objects known to man--the Grail, Elixir and Philosophers Stone. Now, in this unique and thought-provoking work Gardiner proves that the Ark of the Covenant, the Shroud of Turin, and Mary are united in ways never before imagined.

Travelling across the world, from Rome to India, Portugal to Egypt, Gardiner uncovers the trail of the Ark and finds that it does not lead to Ethiopia, as many believe, but instead in a direction that nobody could have imagined. The trail of the Ark takes Gardiner on a hunt into the very heart of an ancient secret society with clandestine meetings in far-off lands. Uniting the myth, tradition, and language of the Ark with the Shroud of Turin, Gardiner then goes on to re-date it, reveal how it was made, and identify whose image it actually recreates. Through his new-found contacts in the world of secret societies, Gardiner then shows how this incredible secret was protected by a dual brotherhood throughout time and was the secret source of the enlightenment spoken of by numerous orders from the Sufis to the Knights Templar. The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary outshines The Da Vinci Code for the simple reason that it is the factual story of one man's fight to uncover the truth.

About the Author

Philip Gardiner is an international best-selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary, The Shining Ones, and The Serpent Grail. He has appeared on television and radio across the world and has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers. Commited to the constant struggle to uncover the real history of mankind and the unraveling of manipulative propaganda, Gardiner hosts the Forbidden Knowledge Conference. His Website is

Paperback: 319 pages
Publisher: Weiser; First Edition edition (February 16, 2007)



Secret Societies: Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge Secret Societies: Revelations About the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults

Secret Societies: Revelations About the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults Secret Societies: Revelations About the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults

With his recent best-selling books and hundreds of articles, as well as radio and TV appearances, Philip Gardiner has started a crusade for uncovering the truth, and nothing could be more indicative of that search than his latest foray into the dark and often sinister world of secret societies. Yet again, Gardiner finds himself on a journey across the world to uncover the ancient secrets of the world's most powerful men. In one dramatic episode he finds himself driven out of Berlin in a black Mercedes by a secret organization that was believed to have disappeared after the second World War and eventually arrives in a modern Nazi watering hole. Gardiner, however, survives this incredible journey and brings us the secrets of the Order held sacred for so long. Gardiner delves into a world that is often hidden from our eyes and finds himself in situations that seem to mirror the fictional world of the Da Vinci Code.

Throughout Secret Societies, Gardiner:

  • Uncovers an ancient secret society thought to have died out many years ago.
  • Gets to the core of the secret societies' belief systems.
  • Explores the secret origins of Freemasonry and the links to secret Serpent Cults.
  • Investigates the secret hidden meaning of King Arthur and Robin Hood.
  • Examines the claimants to the name of Illuminati, and analyzes the history of the group in Europe and America.
  • Reveals the secret links within the Vatican and the Nazi Party.
  • Looks in-depth at the white-powdered gold theory supposedly kept secret by orders throughout time and radically re-appraises it.
  • Shows the link between the so-called enlightenment experience and the control of our minds.

Nobody in the genre involves themselves in the tale in the same way that Gardiner does, and here he shows that the search for ultimate truth can often be a terrifying one.

About the Author

Philip Gardiner is an international best-selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary, The Shining Ones, and The Serpent Grail. He has appeared on television and radio across the world and has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers. Commited to the constant struggle to uncover the real history of mankind and the unraveling of manipulative propaganda, Gardiner hosts the Forbidden Knowledge Conference. His Website is

Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Weiser; 1 edition (June 15, 2007)

Secret Societies:
Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge

Revelations About the Freemasons,
Templars, Illuminati, Nazis,
and the Serpent Cults

Philip Gardiner
from IndyBay Website




9 - Do You Want to Know a Secret?

Solomon's Temple Revealed

In the last chapter, we discovered the serpent secret of the cult centers of our globe and their influence on the modern meeting places of religions and secret societies.

Perhaps the most important of all influences on the most powerful secret society - the Freemasons - is the Temple of Solomon. But there is a deep psychology held within the walls of this temple, one that has permeated secret societies for millennia. It's time to take a look at this secret.

There is a journey that we all must take. It is called life. There is no escaping this journey. We cannot pay somebody to take it for us or to take the pain and sorrow that frequents our path. Without our mother and father there would be no help at all from the very start. We would be helpless and we would, in all likelihood, die.

We are born with no knowledge whatsoever other than some minor genetic memories, and many of us simply follow the patterns that life, evolution, and our peers throw at us. We subconsciously assume we must do as our forefathers; we must follow in their footsteps; we must marry, have children, get a job, and step onto the roller-coaster of commercialism and the greed-oriented rat race we know as capitalism or even communism.

There is seemingly no way out of this life, and anyway, most of us are enthused by the chase - for we truly know no different.

All of this is perfectly natural. We are, after all, apes with less hair. We strive to be the alpha male and female; to be top dog; to fit in with the society or "tribe" that surrounds us and support the same football team as our friends. And often that society is just a larger version of our selves; it is created by groups of selves.

In the times gone by, our ancestors saw through all of this and recognized that there was another way. They discovered that in order for man to elevate himself above the level of the brown earth upon which he scrambled, he needed to alter his internal dialogue.

Man needed to understand himself and the forces that drive him.

This unique understanding - that there could be a higher goal for mankind, whether collectively or individually - evolved into what we now know as Gnosticism. Of course, this is a massive oversimplification and we should always take into account the mystics - those who have experienced what we would call otherworldly emotions or visions.

Also, regardless of popular perception, the Christians were not the only Gnostics and mystics. Gnostic comes from the Greek word gignoskein meaning, simply, to know.

It was applied to,

"one sect of so-called philosopher's in the first ages of Christianity." 1

However, the term is now being used more loosely, and I personally see the term slightly differently than others, and probably in a controversial light.

To me, the Greek term implies all-knowledge. This is a kind of knowledge gained much like plugging ones mind into the World Wide Web and being able to download every single piece of data in an instant. In the same way, the true Gnostic, much like the mystic, could supposedly understand all things in a unique way.

Whether this is the mind tapping into the collective unconscious, the  Akashic records, or any other name given to the process, does not matter for the purpose of this chapter; the fact remains, it was believed. And because of this belief, physical manifestations of the internal belief system emerged the world over.

In this way, the temples of man were exactly that - Temples of Man.

Gnosis, then, means knowledge of the most esoteric kind, and this is the story that has been hidden from our eyes for too long. This is the truth of the secret societies that we on the outside are supposedly too worldly to comprehend.

The Temple

So, let us now try our best to comprehend the Temple of Solomon and, in doing so, let us walk upon holy ground, trodden only by the initiated.

In the years of my own searching, there were times when I would be found at the feet of the Magi, sitting and listening to the wise words of the Sufi, joining in the debate at a more enlightened Freemasonic Lodge. I was learning and viewing the process with an open ear and an open eye, and yet also balancing it all with the knowledge of modern science and reductionism.

Both worlds, the one of the esoteric and the one of science, are useless apart - both are needed today if we are to truly understand.

So down to the facts about the Temple of Solomon. We are sadly lacking in any archaeological evidence, regardless of what you read on some literal fundamentalist Website. What we are told is that in the 10th century B.C., the wise King Solomon erected a great temple to the Lord. Unfortunately, if any of this is true, then we actually find that it was a temple that encompassed many Pagan religions.

According to Professor James Pritchard, in his book, Solomon and Sheba:

...the so-called cities of Megiddo, Gezer and Hazor, and Jerusalem itself were in reality more like villages….Within were relatively small public buildings and poorly constructed dwellings with clay floors.

The objects reveal a material culture which, even by the standards of the ancient Near East, could not be judged sophisticated or luxurious…The 'magnificence' of the age of Solomon is parochial and decidedly lackluster, but the first book of Kings implies exactly the opposite. 2

In fact, and in the bright light of day, what we actually have (which most writers are afraid to say) is no evidence whatsoever for Solomon's Temple.

We have no evidence for Solomon, other than these peculiar Biblical texts. Nor do we have any evidence for the Queen of Sheba, or any of the other characters involved. Instead, there is more depth than could ever be imagined, more meaning than we would dare to believe.

In The Temple at Jerusalem: A RevelationJohn Michell gives us an insight to the real meaning:

Legends of the Temple describe it as the instrument of a mystical, priestly science, a form of alchemy by which oppositely charged elements in the earth and atmosphere were brought together and ritually married. The product of their union was a spirit that blessed and sanctified the people of Israel.

How right Michell is.

The Temple is an instrument of mystical and priestly science, or even magic. The secret unravels before our eyes the more we learn. You see the true Gnostic, the true disciple or perfect one, must be a man or woman of balance.

He or she must unite the two sides of the mind - the male and female principles, as they are called. We are all both male and female, and the alchemists used this concept of balance and revealed it in their images of the Hermaphrodite (half man and half woman).

Solomon was no real man, and Sheba was no real woman. Instead they were symbols of this internal and often external process. The whole story of Solomon, Sheba, and the Temple, which is the perfectly formed body (both physical and spiritual) is the story of our own psyche.

It is an esoteric truth, misunderstood in its exoteric form.


Hiram was the son of a Jewish mother and a Phoenician father and is credited with the decoration of the Temple of Solomon. He was said to have been the,

"son of a widow of the tribe of Naphtali… He cast two bronze pillars" in 1 Kings 7:13–15.

We must also note something of interest found in 1 Kings 16:

Then he made two capitals of cast bronze, to set on top of the pillars.

The height of one capital was 5 cubits; and the height of the other capital was five cubits. He made a lattice network, with wreaths of chainwork, for the capitals which were on top of the pillars: seven chains for one capital and seven for the other capital.
(Masonic Bible, Collins)

These pillars became known as Joachim, meaning "he establishes" and Boaz, which means "in him is strength," and these are now familiar to most modern Freemasons as central to their own lodge or temple.

Copies of these can be clearly seen at the infamous  Rosslyn Chapel, as we shall discover.

But what is interesting here is the original text about these pillars. Firstly, bronze is used for the capitals, just as bronze is used for the "Brazen Serpent" of Moses and is indicative of the fiery aspect of the serpent as one of the channels in the kundalini process. Their "heights" were 5 cubits, matching the five hooded cobras seen across India and atop many pillars, although the Bible calls them Lilies, which are symbols of balance anyway.

Leading up to these capitals were "wreaths" of "chainwork" - seven on each pillar. Strangely, these chains were "for the capitals," so we conclude that these seven leveled chains (coils) were pointing towards the head (capital) just as the serpents of the Kundalini do.

There are more real links between Hiram and the serpent. For instance, we noted previously that he was of the tribe of Naphtali.

The standard of the tribe of Naphtali, according to Jewish tradition, is a serpent or basilisk, and this could have come from Egyptian origins, as Jewish tradition states that Naphtali was the brother of Joseph, chosen to represent the family to Pharaoh.

And now I have sent a skillful man, endowed with understanding, Huram [Hiram] my master [father] craftsman, (the son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tyre), skilled to work in gold and silver, bronze and iron, stone and wood, purple and blue, fine linen and crimson, and to make any engraving and to accomplish any plan which may be given to him, with your skilful men and with the skilful men of my lord David your father.
(2 Chronicles 2:13–14)

Here, Hiram is said to be a son of the tribe of Dan, which had an emblem - the serpent, this time with a horse.

Incredibly, there is also a hidden truth and repetitive pattern in this little statement about the real skills of this literary character. Follow this pattern:

Hiram is skilled in:

  1. gold and silver

  2. bronze and iron

  3. stone and wood

  4. purple and blue

  5. fine linen and crimson

  6. making any engraving

  7. accomplishing any plan that may be given to him

Note that there are seven "balanced" elements to the skill of the man who will build the Temple! This is a real clue to the Temple's secret indeed.

According to this book of Chronicles, Hiram was a cunning man (a word used for the serpent) endued with understanding, and skillful in the work of gold, silver, brass, stone, and timber. But he was also credited with certain tools, which could pierce stone. Stone, as I show in Gnosis, is symbolic of wisdom and foundation.

Hiram's tool, therefore, pierced the veil or even the very root of wisdom.

According to the book of Kings, the Temple was built of stone (or wisdom) before it was brought to the site - something similar to a prefabricated building. It was said by tradition that neither hammer, nor axe, nor any tool of iron was used in the building. So how was it built? This in itself is a paradox, which can only be answered by the true secret of the Temple being revealed.

According to Rabbinical teaching, the prefabrication of the Temple was performed by the Shamir, a giant worm or serpent that could cut stones (incidentally, worm means serpent). Not dissimilar to Norse and Celtic beliefs in which Valhalla and Camelot were built with the fire of the dragon, and in China where building is aided by the serpent energy.

This is a universal concept as can be seen in India, where it was the serpentine-linked Nagas of fable who escaped their country and took the architectural wisdom abroad.

The architect gods, such as Thoth of Egypt, are linked strongly with the serpent wisdom because they are linked with the building of "Temples of Wisdom" inside our selves.

The real you at the center
The real you at the center

The Shamir, according to one legend, had even been placed in the hands of the Prince of the Sea, 3 which is symbolic of the Prince of Wisdom.

In essence, what we really have here is the Temple of Wisdom being built by the serpent, and that serpent is none other than that of, or similar to, the internal kundalini, later to be developed into the Kabbalah.

This is a psychological training manual, a method of self-improvement, a way for society to become One, a multilayered method of getting closer to the deity that resides in each and every one of us, a deity that the ancients saw as being the same in each of us.

The whole process repeats again and again throughout the Bible.

The Temple is reduced (like the alchemical method) and is remade. Then again and again, until finally the Christ is the temple that is reduced (killed) and then rises again for the last time. And now, according to the texts, we can all meet with this Christ and we can all have the knowledge. We just need to understand that the true Christ is all and in all.

But this hasn't worked, has it? Man is still, even now in the 21st century, searching for answers, and so the temple is being reduced once again...

I say, we should all take a look at our own "temples" and knock them to the ground. We should then go about rebuilding them in a bigger and better way than before, just the way the Bible states.

And more than that, we must keep on doing this until this world of ours has peace and all truly are equal before God

But we need to beware. All this can sound very wonderful and enticing. In a way, I am playing a trick upon your mind in the same way that secret societies often play games of manipulation.

There is truth in the previous statements for sure - but to gasp in awe at the power of the kundalini simply because ancient man found it "enlightening" would be foolish, as we shall now discover.


1. Borchant, Mysticism.

2. James Pritchard, Solomon and Sheba (1974), p.35.

3. Wilhelm Bacher and Ludwig Blau, Shamir.


# #


Secret Societies: Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge Secret Societies: Revelations About the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults

Secret Societies: Revelations About the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults Secret Societies: Revelations About the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults

With his recent best-selling books and hundreds of articles, as well as radio and TV appearances, Philip Gardiner has started a crusade for uncovering the truth, and nothing could be more indicative of that search than his latest foray into the dark and often sinister world of secret societies. Yet again, Gardiner finds himself on a journey across the world to uncover the ancient secrets of the world's most powerful men. In one dramatic episode he finds himself driven out of Berlin in a black Mercedes by a secret organization that was believed to have disappeared after the second World War and eventually arrives in a modern Nazi watering hole. Gardiner, however, survives this incredible journey and brings us the secrets of the Order held sacred for so long. Gardiner delves into a world that is often hidden from our eyes and finds himself in situations that seem to mirror the fictional world of the Da Vinci Code.

Throughout Secret Societies, Gardiner:

  • Uncovers an ancient secret society thought to have died out many years ago.
  • Gets to the core of the secret societies' belief systems.
  • Explores the secret origins of Freemasonry and the links to secret Serpent Cults.
  • Investigates the secret hidden meaning of King Arthur and Robin Hood.
  • Examines the claimants to the name of Illuminati, and analyzes the history of the group in Europe and America.
  • Reveals the secret links within the Vatican and the Nazi Party.
  • Looks in-depth at the white-powdered gold theory supposedly kept secret by orders throughout time and radically re-appraises it.
  • Shows the link between the so-called enlightenment experience and the control of our minds.

Nobody in the genre involves themselves in the tale in the same way that Gardiner does, and here he shows that the search for ultimate truth can often be a terrifying one.

About the Author

Philip Gardiner is an international best-selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary, The Shining Ones, and The Serpent Grail. He has appeared on television and radio across the world and has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers. Commited to the constant struggle to uncover the real history of mankind and the unraveling of manipulative propaganda, Gardiner hosts the Forbidden Knowledge Conference. His Website is

Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Weiser; 1 edition (June 15, 2007)

Gnosis: The Secrets of Solomon's Temple Revealed Gnosis: The Secrets of Solomon's Temple Revealed

Gnosis: The Secrets of Solomon's Temple Revealed Gnosis: The Secrets of Solomon's Temple Revealed

Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem-reputed to be the source of the most esoteric knowledge in human history-has fascinated scholars, seekers and dreamers for centuries. For generations, scholars and researchers have tried in vain to discover the fabled Temple of Solomon, only to be confronted by one problem after another. All the problems raised by these disparate and often desperate people have now been fully answered and can be revealed to the world. Through his own involvement in secret societies and his tenacious spirit, Philip Gardiner has unearthed the secrets of the Temple. From the Queen of Sheba and the arcane secrets of the Christian Gnostics to the Muslim Sufi and Hindu Avatars, Gnosis weaves a tale that is both profound and precise. Gardiner declares that the truth of Solomon's Temple has been known all along within the realm of esoteric understanding. Only one question remains: Is the world ready for the truth? Find the true secret of the Knights Templar and the mysteries of the ancients. Find the truth for yourself in Gnosis.

About the Author

Philip Gardiner is an international best-selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary, The Shining Ones, and The Serpent Grail. He has appeared on television and radio across the world and has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers. Commited to the constant struggle to uncover the real history of mankind and the unraveling of manipulative propaganda, Gardiner hosts the Forbidden Knowledge Conference. His Website is

Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Weiser; 1 edition (September 15, 2006)

Brotherhood Of The Snake: Their Time Is Running Out Brotherhood Of The Snake: Their Time Is Running Out

Brotherhood Of The Snake: Their Time Is Running Out Brotherhood Of The Snake: Their Time Is Running Out

Based on years of research into the real and ancient serpent cult that once dominated the globe, this exciting adventure is a journey into sacred mysteries and secret organisations discovered by Gardiner in real life. Dan Brown may have used other people's factual work to create the Da Vinci Code, but here Gardiner uses his own real life experiences and knowledge to forge a unique and engrossing work of fiction. This book reveals the real arcane secrets about mankind in an enjoyable and action packed adventure. Uniting fact and fiction, Gardiner takes us through the world of the adept and mystic into the real world. Hundreds of years ago any author revealing these truths would have been burned at the stake - can you decide what is fact and what is fiction?

About the Author

Philip Gardiner is an international best-selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary, The Shining Ones, and The Serpent Grail. He has appeared on television and radio across the world and has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers. Commited to the constant struggle to uncover the real history of mankind and the unraveling of manipulative propaganda, Gardiner hosts the Forbidden Knowledge Conference. His Website is

Paperback: 206 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 16, 2007)

The Urantia Book The Urantia Book
The Urantia Book The Urantia Book


Love is truly contagious and eternally creative. (p. 2018) “Devote your life to proving that love is the greatest thing in the world.” (p. 2047) “Love is the ancestor of all spiritual goodness, the essence of the true and the beautiful.” (p. 2047) The Father’s love can become real to mortal man only by passing through that man’s personality as he in turn bestows this love upon his fellows. (p. 1289) The secret of a better civilization is bound up in the Master’s teachings of the brotherhood of man, the good will of love and mutual trust. (p. 2065)


Prayer is not a technique of escape from conflict but rather a stimulus to growth in the very face of conflict. (p. 1002) The sincerity of any prayer is the assurance of its being heard. … (p. 1639) God answers man’s prayer by giving him an increased revelation of truth, an enhanced appreciation of beauty, and an augmented concept of goodness. (p. 1002) …Never forget that the sincere prayer of faith is a mighty force for the promotion of personal happiness, individual self-control, social harmony, moral progress, and spiritual attainment. (p. 999)


There is a great and glorious purpose in the march of the universes through space. All of your mortal struggling is not in vain. (p. 364) Mortals only learn wisdom by experiencing tribulation. (p. 556)


The angels of all orders are distinct personalities and are highly individualized. (p. 285) Angels....are fully cognizant of your moral struggles and spiritual difficulties. They love human beings, and only good can result from your efforts to understand and love them. (p. 419)

Our Divine Destiny

If you are a willing learner, if you want to attain spirit levels and reach divine heights, if you sincerely desire to reach the eternal goal, then the divine Spirit will gently and lovingly lead you along the pathway of sonship and spiritual progress. (p. 381) …They who know that God is enthroned in the human heart are destined to become like him—immortal. (p. 1449) God is not only the determiner of destiny; he is man’s eternal destination. (p. 67)


Almost everything of lasting value in civilization has its roots in the family. (p. 765) The family is man’s greatest purely human achievement. ... (p. 939)


…Faith will expand the mind, ennoble the soul, reinforce the personality, augment the happiness, deepen the spirit perception, and enhance the power to love and be loved. (p. 1766) “Now, mistake not, my Father will ever respond to the faintest flicker of faith.” (p. 1733)


The story of man’s ascent from seaweed to the lordship of earthly creation is indeed a romance of biologic struggle and mind survival. (p. 731) 2,500,000,000 years ago… Urantia was a well developed sphere about one tenth its present mass. … (p. 658) 1,000,000,000 years ago is the date of the actual beginning of Urantia [Earth] history. (p. 660) 450,000,000 years ago the transition from vegetable to animal life occurred. (p. 669) From the year A.D. 1934 back to the birth of the first two human beings is just 993,419 years. (p. 707) About five hundred thousand years ago…there were almost one-half billion primitive human beings on earth. … (p. 741) Adam and Eve arrived on Urantia, from the year A.D. 1934, 37,848 years ago. (p. 828)

From the Inside Flap

What’s Inside?

Parts I and II

God, the inhabited universes, life after death, angels and other beings, the war in heaven.

Part III

The history of the world, science and evolution, Adam and Eve, development of civilization, marriage and family, personal spiritual growth.

Part IV

The life and teachings of Jesus including the missing years. AND MUCH MORE…


God, …God is the source and destiny of all that is good and beautiful and true. (p. 1431) If you truly want to find God, that desire is in itself evidence that you have already found him. (p. 1440) When man goes in partnership with God, great things may, and do, happen. (p. 1467)

The Origin of Human Life, The universe is not an accident... (p. 53) The universe of universes is the work of God and the dwelling place of his diverse creatures. (p. 21) The evolutionary planets are the spheres of human origin…Urantia [Earth] is your starting point. … (p. 1225) In God, man lives, moves, and has his being. (p. 22)

The Purpose of Life, There is in the mind of God a plan which embraces every creature of all his vast domains, and this plan is an eternal purpose of boundless opportunity, unlimited progress, and endless life. (p. 365) This new gospel of the kingdom… presents a new and exalted goal of destiny, a supreme life purpose. (p. 1778)

Jesus, The religion of Jesus is the most dynamic influence ever to activate the human race. (p. 1091) What an awakening the world would experience if it could only see Jesus as he really lived on earth and know, firsthand, his life-giving teachings! (p. 2083)

Science, Science, guided by wisdom, may become man’s great social liberator. (p. 909) Mortal man is not an evolutionary accident. There is a precise system, a universal law, which determines the unfolding of the planetary life plan on the spheres of space. (p. 560)

Life after Death, God’s love is universal… He is “not willing that any should perish.” (p. 39) Your short sojourn on Urantia [Earth]…is only a single link, the very first in the long chain that is to stretch across universes and through the eternal ages. (p. 435) …Death is only the beginning of an endless career of adventure, an everlasting life of anticipation, an eternal voyage of discovery. (p. 159)

About the Author

The text of The Urantia Book was provided by one or more anonymous contributors working with a small staff which provided editorial and administrative support during the book's creation. The book bears no particular credentials (from a human viewpoint), relying instead on the power and beauty of the writing itself to persuade the reader of its authenticity.

Leather Bound: 2097 pages
Publisher: Urantia Foundation; Box Lea edition (August 25, 2015)

The Shining Ones: The World's Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed The Shining Ones: The World's Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed

The Shining Ones: The World's Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed The Shining Ones: The World's Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed

Like a great mystery novel, The Shining Ones reveals the truth about a very ancient worldwide priesthood that was lost to history, but whose wisdom and power survived through mythology and legend. The group's mission was to control the development of the world, and how their plot played out at the human and political level makes an extraordinary story. Experts on mysticism and religion, Gardiner and Osborn trace their legacy and evidence of their secret rituals in the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, and the Freemasons.

About the Author

Philip Gardiner is an international best-selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary, The Shining Ones, and The Serpent Grail. He has appeared on television and radio across the world and has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers. Commited to the constant struggle to uncover the real history of mankind and the unraveling of manipulative propaganda, Gardiner hosts the Forbidden Knowledge Conference. His Website is

Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Watkins; Revised, Updated ed. edition (August 3, 2010)

Secrets Of The Serpent: In Search Of The Sacred Past Secrets Of The Serpent: In Search Of The Sacred Past

Secrets Of The Serpent: In Search Of The Sacred Past Secrets Of The Serpent: In Search Of The Sacred Past

Across time and across the world, an ancient serpent cult once dominated mankind. Then a great battle ensued and Christianity stamped it's authority on the face of the planet. Now, after years of research, the real religious history of the world can be told. In Secrets of the Serpent, Philip Gardiner for the first time reveals the world's most mysterious places were once sacred to the Serpent Cult. The history and mythology of the so-called reptilian agenda and alien visitation in ancient times now has a solid opponent - giving answers for the many symbols and myths often confused by those who believe in such things. In Secrets of the Serpent, the author reveals the real "bloodline" spoken of by Dan Brown in the Da Vinci Code- it was in fact a serpent bloodline. Philip Gardiner is the international best selling author of Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed and many more books. The truth shall be found in the Secrets of the Serpent

About the Author

Philip Gardiner is an international best-selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary, The Shining Ones, and The Serpent Grail. He has appeared on television and radio across the world and has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers. Commited to the constant struggle to uncover the real history of mankind and the unraveling of manipulative propaganda, Gardiner hosts the Forbidden Knowledge Conference. His Website is

Paperback: 148 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 30, 2007)

The Ark, the Shroud, and Mary: The Untold Truths about the Relics of the Bible The Ark, the Shroud, and Mary: The Untold Truths about the Relics of the Bible

The Ark, the Shroud, and Mary: The Untold Truths about the Relics of the Bible The Ark, the Shroud, and Mary: The Untold Truths about the Relics of the Bible

Why do the Ark of the Covenant, Mary's reliquary box, and Jesus' Coffer all have the same imagery? Was the Ark the container of the Covenant, the Ten Commandments, or the Chalice? Does the image of the Shroud of Turin contain a bioelectric field? These questions and others will be explored in The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary.

Author Philip Gardiner recently won the acclaim of both scholars and the reading public with The Serpent Grail, which united three of the most mysterious objects known to man--the Grail, Elixir and Philosophers Stone. Now, in this unique and thought-provoking work Gardiner proves that the Ark of the Covenant, the Shroud of Turin, and Mary are united in ways never before imagined.

Travelling across the world, from Rome to India, Portugal to Egypt, Gardiner uncovers the trail of the Ark and finds that it does not lead to Ethiopia, as many believe, but instead in a direction that nobody could have imagined. The trail of the Ark takes Gardiner on a hunt into the very heart of an ancient secret society with clandestine meetings in far-off lands. Uniting the myth, tradition, and language of the Ark with the Shroud of Turin, Gardiner then goes on to re-date it, reveal how it was made, and identify whose image it actually recreates. Through his new-found contacts in the world of secret societies, Gardiner then shows how this incredible secret was protected by a dual brotherhood throughout time and was the secret source of the enlightenment spoken of by numerous orders from the Sufis to the Knights Templar. The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary outshines The Da Vinci Code for the simple reason that it is the factual story of one man's fight to uncover the truth.

About the Author

Philip Gardiner is an international best-selling author of several books including Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed, The Ark, The Shroud, and Mary, The Shining Ones, and The Serpent Grail. He has appeared on television and radio across the world and has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers. Commited to the constant struggle to uncover the real history of mankind and the unraveling of manipulative propaganda, Gardiner hosts the Forbidden Knowledge Conference. His Website is

Paperback: 319 pages
Publisher: Weiser; First Edition edition (February 16, 2007)
