state. See government; nations
stationary orders (dual origin). See Sons of God: orders
Stationary Sons of the Trinity 10:6sec(114;2), 33:5sec(370;6)
2 billion and 70 serve in Havona; 5 billion in each superuniverse 19:4.8(218;6)
corps of Trinity administrators; no more being created 10:6.5(114;6), 19:1.2(214;4), 19:4.8(218;6)
in Paradise classification 30:1.4(330;6)
orders Paper 18 (207;1), 10:6.5(114;6), 19:2-4secs
represent Deity in domains of justice 10:0.2(108;2), 10:6.4,6(114;5)
Trinitized Sons of Attainment are co-ordinates of 22:4.5(247;4)
announce laws governing groups but not individuals 42:7.10(478;4)
status. See also achievement
action essential to consciousness of kinship with Supreme 110:6.17(1211;2), 115:0.1(1260;1)
differences in s. essential to develop tolerance, altruism 64:6.34(726;6)
less important than direction of life 111:1.5(1216;6), 147:5.7(1653;1)
on Paradise worlds determined by service, origin 13:2.5(148;4)
stealing. See theft
primitive men would not experiment with 66:5.25(748;6)
young Jesus pondered 124:1.8(1367;4)
stellar gas clouds. See star clouds
able leader of Greek believers in Jerusalem; first martyr 128:3.6(1411;6), 194:4.11-12(2068;1)
Jesus' 4-hour discussion with S. was paramount factor in rapid spread of Christianity 128:3.5(1411;5), 132:0.5-6(1456;1)
"lay this sin not to their charge" 188:5.6(2018;5)
martyrdom of S. caused conversion of Paul 128:3.6(1411;6)
unvalidated plan of action 101:7.1(1113;3)
parable of the shrewd s. 169:2sec(1853;4)
parable of the ungrateful s. 159:1.4-5(1763;1)
not a mere mechanical process since personality is a factor 112:1.13(1227;3)
stoicism (attitude)
accepting your lot when you have faithfully performed your duty 48:6.25(555;4), 149:5.3(1674;5)
certain amount of s. is serviceable in living 181:1.8(1954;5)
not a high order of self-realization 12:5.10(135;9)
Stoicism (religion)
Angamon was Stoic leader in Rome 132:1.1(1456;4)
contended with mystery cults 195:3.3(2073;7)
exemplified by 4th Book of Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon 121:6.3(1338;6)
highest purely human philosophy; taught virtue is its own reward 121:4.3(1336;1)
influence on Paul 121:4.3(1336;1), 121:7.7(1340;5)
Jesus sought out worthwhile Stoic leaders 132:0.4(1455;4)
Occidental religion languished until days of 98:6.2(1083;2)
soul achieves liberty in harmony with nature, conscience, God 121:4.3(1336;1), 195:2.6(2073;1)
wise man is king 185:3.6(1991;6)
stone. See also calcium; stonings
100 men working together can move a great 68:1.4(763;7)
basic building matter for planets 41:6.1-6(461;5)
coal layers alternate with 59:5.15(681;7)
Cretan Andites built with s. ca. 12,000 B.C. 80:7.2(895;2)
early commerce in 79:1.4(879;1)
early people wrote on 66:5.9(746;7)
if your child asks for 144:2.4(1619;2)
Sontad rolled s. in front of deceased parents' cave 63:3.5(713;5)
12 stones were memorial set up by Joshua 135:6.7(1502;5)
by roadside would cry out 172:3.13(1882;6)
clans engaged in all-day battles with 70:1.6(784;2)
command to become bread 136:6.1(1517;3)
first objects to be worshiped 85:1.1-5(944;5)
human s. in living temple of sonship 157:4.7(1747;5)
string of beads was once battery of charms 88:1.2(967;4)
Urantia's sun has a 6,000 mile thick gaseous s. surface 41:6.3(462;1)
which builders rejected became cornerstone; whoso falls upon s. is broken in pieces but saved 173:4.4(1894;2)
Stone Age (New)
3000 B.C. in Europe 80:9.13-14(898;8)
Stone Age (Old)
begins with colored races 500,000 years ago 64:0.2(718;2)
not a distinct period 81:3.4(903;6)
research relates to ancient blue men 64:6.24(725;5)
stone book
life records of Urantia laid down in 57:8.26(663;4)
of geologic history 58:7sec(670;3), 59:0.8(672;8)
stone lilies 59:3.11(677;8), 65:2.5(732;3),. See also crinoids
early specialists 69:3.9(774;8)
Stone of Scone
fetish stone 88:1.2(967;4)
great stones set up as tokens to sun 80:9.13(898;8)
stonings. See also martyrs
of Amos 97:4.4(1066;1)
of Hildana 162:3.3(1793;2)
of Jesus 164:5.2-3(1815;3)
of prophets 175:1.23(1908;7)
of Stephen 194:4.11-12(2068;1)
of wife of Apostle Philip 139:5.11(1557;5)
Andon and Fonta decided to flee during storm 63:2.2(712;2)
disastrous electrical s. on nonbreather worlds 49:3.3(563;6)
frequent and violent in crustal cooling era 57:8.11(661;5)
Jesus' accident during sandstorm 123:4.5-8(1361;5)
none on Jerusem 46:2.2(520;7)
none on morontia worlds 43:1.3(486;2)
on Sea of Galilee; apostles afraid 151:5sec(1694;6)
sandstorm at Jesus' crucifixion 187:5.1-4(2010;2)
snowstorm in Galilee 123:4.1(1361;1)
ancient guests paid their way by telling tales 70:3.9(787;9)
James Zebedee was a good storyteller 139:3.3(1552;7)
Jesus was a master storyteller 126:2.6(1389;1), 130:7.1(1438;4)
Nathaniel best storyteller among apostles 139:6.4(1558;5)
strain. See anxiety
strange preacher. See Aden
once custom to kill or enslave all 70:3.6(787;6)
primitives regarded it virtuous to shed alien blood 70:1.5(784;1)
quickness to trust pleasing 140:10.4(1585;2)
sheep flee from 165:2.4(1818;6)
to one who knows God, none are 130:2.6(1431;1)
temperature range in 58:2.6(666;3)
greatness lies not in possessing s., but in making wise and divine use of one's s. 48:7.27(557;11)
they who wait upon Lord shall renew their 97:7.8(1069;3), 131:2.6(1444;6)
stress. See anxiety
striving. See arguments; contention
strong, the
only brotherhood prevents s. from oppressing the weak 71:4.5(804;5)
structures. See buildings
struggle. See effort
student visitors
allowed on all inhabited planets, even in isolation 48:3.10(546;3)
in Uversa personality register 30:2.26(338;3)
observers, exchange pupils, student helpers 30:3.11(339;8)
study. See education
sturgeon 60:2.9(688;1)
subbreathers. See also mortals: planetary types
type of atmospheric mortal; 2-1/2% in Satania; beings on Mars would be 49:2.5-6(561;4)
subconscious mind. See mortal mind
active and alert s. to Father's will 140:8.3(1579;5), 142:6.8(1602;7), 181:2.15(1958;2), 182:2.1-2(1966;1)
Adjuster co-operation is ceasing to resist 110:3.2(1205;6)
as concerns the morrow, we are in Father's hands 179:2.1(1937;7)
Jesus did not change apostles' seating at Last Supper 179:1.7(1937;5)
Jesus humbled himself, became obedient unto death 128:1.6,12(1408;3), 136:6.4(1518;3), 171:4.7(1872;4), 182:2.1(1966;1)
Jesus lived life in channel of its natural flowing 128:1.6(1408;3)
Jesus submitted to humiliation by temple guards 184:4.3-4(1984;4)
find God through s. to indwelling spirit 2:5.5(39;4)
go forth in humble obedience to do God's bidding 138:7.1(1543;4)
having done best, cheerfully accept one's lot 149:5.3(1674;5)
Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth limited by our obedience 34:5.5(379;5)
if we do as Jesus taught, we abide in his love 180:2.2(1945;5)
Jesus' faith securely held him 196:0.5(2087;5)
Jesus' prayers were surrender of will 196:0.10(2088;5)
lean not upon one's own understanding 131:2.8(1445;2)
letting go of God 160:3.1(1777;2)
no survival if antagonism exists to Adjuster's mission 49:4.9(565;1)
Pentecost was act of intelligent self-surrender 194:3.16(2065;4)
receiving that which awaits us 171:8.14(1877;2)
s. to the will of God 2:5.5(39;4), 5:1.12(64;3), 110:3.2(1205;6), 117:5.2(1285;5), 128:1.6,12(1408;3), 130:2.2(1429;4), 131:2.8(1445;2), 133:7.10(1480;2), 135:11.3(1507;2), 136:4.4(1514;5), 136:6.4(1518;3), 138:7.1(1543;4), 140:8.3(1579;5), 142:6.8(1602;7), 144:5.8(1623;3), 146:3.5-7(1642;1), 149:5.3(1674;5), 168:0.11(1843;5), 171:4.7(1872;4), 171:8.14(1877;2), 178:3.3(1934;5), 180:2.2(1945;5), 181:2.11,15(1957;1), 182:2.1-2(1966;1), 186:2.3(1999;3)
submitting to natural and ordinary course of events 128:1.6(1408;3), 135:11.3(1507;2), 136:7.2-3(1519;6), 136:8.5-6(1520;6), 182:3.7(1969;2), 183:1.2(1972;1), 186:2.2-3(1999;2)
surrendering every wish to the transforming embrace of spiritual growth 91:9.4(1002;9)
thinking men fear to be held by a religion 195:9.6(2083;2)
to will of God does not submerge, but augments, personality 117:5.2(1285;5)
when religion is permitted truly to possess man 102:2.8(1121;1)
yielding control of soul powers to indwelling spirit 1:3.7(26;1), 5:1.12(64;3), 133:7.10(1480;2), 144:5.8(1623;3), 146:3.5-7(1642;1), 181:2.11(1957;1)

(S's continue...)