entities in Hindu theology 94:4.7(1031;8)
democracy. See government: democracy; suffrage
demon possession 138:4.3(1541;5),. See also midwayers
Apostle John did not mention 145:2.13(1631;1)
casting out demons by evangelists 163:6.2(1807;1)
existed after Caligastic rebellion 87:4.7(962;1)
feeble-mindedness, insanity, and epilepsy confused with 77:7.6-7(863;7), 141:4.5(1591;1), 145:2.12-14(1630;8)
Hebrew doctrine of devils derived from Zoroastrians 95:6.6(1050;2)
in general, is domination by own debased tendencies 53:8.9(610;5)
in olden times, anything abnormal ascribed to 90:1.2(986;5)
James of Safed's son was possessed 158:4.2(1755;8), 158:5sec(1757;1)
Jesus cast out demons in Capernaum 153:4.1(1713;3)
never possible for normal-minded 77:7.7(863;8)
none after arrival of Spirit of Truth 53:8.7(610;3), 77:7.4-8(863;5), 87:4.7(962;1), 141:4.4-5(1590;7), 145:2.13(1631;1), 146:7.1(1646;2), 153:4.1(1713;3), 163:6.2(1807;1)
none now unless mortal desires it 53:8.6-9(610;2)
Norana believed daughter possessed 156:1sec(1734;3)
rebel midwayers now interned 51:3.7(583;6), 77:7.8(864;1)
spirits supposedly entered swine 151:6.6(1696;4)
universal belief sickness caused by 121:7.9(1341;1), 148:2.3(1658;6)
demons. See also demon possession
evolving monotheists keep subordinate gods as 96:1.14(1054;4)
denarii. See also money
200 d. would not buy bread for 5000 152:2.6(1701;1)
Caesar's image on 174:2.2(1899;2)
laborers in vineyard each given a denarius 163:3.6(1804;3)
moneylender lent debtor 500 147:5.4(1652;1)
steward owed 100 159:1.5(1763;2)
arose from the sea 80:2.4(890;8)
military headquarters of northern Andites 80:5.2(893;4)
of suns. See sun (Urantia's); suns
Jesus denounced scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites 163:6.5(1807;4), 166:1.4-5(1826;1), 175:1sec(1905;3), 175:4.2(1910;4)
Jesus spent little time in 147:6.6(1655;2)
John the Baptist denounced Herod, religious leaders 135:10.2(1506;4)
Melchizedeks travel to take 35:2.4(386;2)
depression. See also defeat; disappointment; sorrow
faith sons immune to 156:5.13(1739;8)
shake off 181:2.11(1957;1)
story of Fortune 130:6sec(1437;1)
Thomas afflicted by d.; unwisely avoided Jesus when depressed 139:8.10-11(1562;4)
descending Sons of God. See Sons of God: orders
desertion. See also betrayal
of Garden workers 73:4.5(824;4)
of Jesus' followers after King-making episode 152:3sec(1702;2)
possibility of d. provides opportunity for loyalty 3:5.12(51;11)
deserts. See drought; Gobi; Sahara
designers and embellishers. See also celestial artisans
celestial artisans, types 44:6sec(506;2)
4. artists of odor 44:6.6(506;7)
desire of all ages
Jesus is 182:1.10(1965;4)
desires. See flesh; free will; goals; sex: urge; thought
despair. See also anxiety; defeat; depression; fear; sorrow
materialists' only reward for life of toil 102:0.1-2(1118;1)
story of Fortune 130:6sec(1437;1)
destiny 40:10sec(452;1),. See also goals; providence
inadequately revealed by history 19:1.11(215;8)
mortal destiny
be inspired by Adjuster's picturizations of 110:6.5(1209;5), 111:7.2(1223;4)
creation of, and response to, spirit goals 12:9.1(141;2)
day by day living determines eternal d. 48:7.26(557;10)
endless unfolding of an almost infinite panorama 108:6.8(1194;1)
established by spirit identification 40:5.4(445;5)
final knowing of Father 106:8.19(1172;7)
man is architect of his own eternal d. 70:1.16(784;12), 103:5.10(1134;8)
no limit upon d. for fused ascenders 32:3.8(361;3), 107:4.7(1181;3)
potentially final d. absolute in value 106:7.4(1169;3)
progression of survivors from here on 14:5.1,4(158;4), 31:10.13(354;6)
study from standpoint of Paradise source 19:1.5-12(215;2)
no such thing as an end 115:3.17-18(1263;4)
not necessarily greater or lesser 40:10.5(452;5)
personal beings may accept or reject 112:5.1(1232;2)
universe destiny
age of first outer space levels will release superuniverses from limitations of present age 106:0.11(1163;5)
completion of cycle of reality 106:8.9(1171;5)
consummated by Consummator of Universe Destiny 106:7.3(1169;2)
creation interdependent in realization of 117:6.20(1290;6)
established by volitional act of Deities 106:7.3(1169;2)
expansion as gravity and love reach out into time-organizing space 106:3.5(1166;3)
full self-realization of I AM 106:8.19(1172;7)
perfection, even as is Havona 117:7.10(1292;4)
reuniting the 7 absolute phases of Father-I AM 106:7.10(1170;3)
subjugation of energy-matter by mind, co-ordination with spirit, by personality 116:5.8(1274;5), 116:6.1,4(1275;1), 117:2.1(1280;1)
destiny guardians. See guardians of destiny
destiny reservists. See reservists
way to d. is broad 166:3.3(1828;7)
details. See distractions
preventive d. in continental nation 72:10.2(818;5)
detention planets. See mansion worlds
detention spheres. See prison worlds
having put one's hand to plough, cannot turn back 163:2.3(1801;6)
repugnant to divine nature to suffer d. 12:7.3(137;4)
determinism. See also free will; materialism; mechanism (theory)
there, but not alone 195:6.14-15(2077;10)
Deuteronomy, Book of
Jesus read from 150:8.8(1685;6), 153:2.1(1709;2)
portrayed Great Choice between good and evil 97:8.3(1071;1)
atonement doctrine describes man's ransom from 194:2.8(2061;6)
foundation of doctrine in Caligastia 53:1.4(602;1), 66:8.6(753;2), 179:2.3(1938;2)
given credit for evil he has not caused 53:8.9(610;5)
Jewish doctrine derived from Zoroastrians 95:6.6(1050;2)
knowingly ascribing works of God to 153:4.3(1714;2)
man never property of 145:3.4(1632;3), 188:4.3(2016;8), 194:2.1(2060;6)
Sanhedrin attributed Jesus' works to power of 162:7.4-5(1797;1), 164:4.11(1814;7), 168:3.4(1847;4), 169:0.7(1850;7), 173:2.4(1892;1)
superstition that God afflicts man at behest of 148:6.11(1664;3)
Devonian. See also geologic ages
age of fishes 270-220 million years ago 59:4sec(678;2)
devotion. See loyalty
Egyptian religion consigned deficient souls to 95:2.9(1045;2)
dew point 46:2.2(520;7)
dialects. See also language
different d. spoken every 40 miles among primitives 68:1.6(764;2)
origin illustrated by baby talk in family 81:6.17-18(908;6)
diamonds 63:5.6(715;6)
dictation. See records
dictators. See also government: believers' relation to
avoid control by ambitious and clever would-be d. 70:12.6(798;5)
when governments act as d. over religions 178:1.9(1930;6)
won in struggle between division of authority and unity of command 70:12.2(798;1)
diet. See also food
ancients treated disease with 90:4.8(991;7)

(D's continue...)