Gilead 165:0.1(1817;1)
reputed tribe 128:1.14(1409;4)
Saul came to aid of 97:9.3(1072;1)
giraffes 61:4.4(698;6)
Jesus wore 187:2.8(2007;7)
Judas hung himself with 186:1.7(1998;5)
Gischala 138:9.3(1546;5), 146:4.6(1644;2), 156:6.3(1741;3)
giving. See altruism; sharing
glaciers. See also ice ages
appearance in Permian 59:6.6(683;3)
discrepancies in reckoning 64:1.4(718;6)
in Siberia 64:4.5(721;3)
land elevation produces 57:8.22(662;9), 61:2.3(695;1), 61:5.1-2(699;2)
topographic results of 61:7.1(700;6)
gladness. See happiness; joy
glands, ductless. See also hormones
1-, 2-, and 3-gland planetary types 49:5.12-13(566;7)
chemical reactions resulting from 65:6.6(737;6)
gland chemistry influences imagination, spiritual receptivity 49:5.12(566;7)
system immediately neighboring Satania 41:2.1(456;5)
every one called by my name I have created for my g. 97:7.10(1069;5)
Jesus sought not his own g. but the g. of God 162:7.4-5(1797;1)
loving g. from men more than of God 174:5.3(1902;4)
seek not g. of self but g. of God 162:2.1(1790;4), 175:1.10(1907;2)
straining at g. 156:2.8(1736;5), 185:0.4(1987;4)
straining out g. while swallowing camel 175:1.17(1908;1)
achieving goals
ascenders never denied transient satisfaction of goal attainment 39:4.7(434;7), 44:8.3-5(508;1), 118:0.10,12(1294;1)
assistance to achieve g. freely provided 4:3.5(58;3)
begun in time will be finished in eternity if worth finishing 111:3.7(1219;6)
by welding philosophy, religion, and science by wisdom, faith, and experience 98:2.12(1080;2)
by yielding to spiritual forces 5:1.12(64;3)
creation and response to new and spirit g. 12:9.1(141;2)
entirely possible to attain g. set by God 1:0.5(22;2)
g. are creative in accordance with dedication to Father's will 132:7.9(1467;5)
highest happiness linked with pursuit of worthy g. 94:8.13(1037;1)
life purpose must be jealously guarded 160:3.5(1778;3)
religion pays any price to attain supreme goal 100:3.1(1096;6)
spiritual exertion required to achieve g. in Havona 26:7.1(292;5)
with God all things are possible 2:1.2(34;1), 3:2.2(46;6), 26:5.3(291;3), 107:4.7(1181;3), 131:10.2(1453;4), 163:3.2(1803;4), 182:3.2(1968;3)
work is important, the self is not 48:6.26(555;5)
God deals with us on basis of our purposes 103:4.5(1133;5)
life aimless and unprofitable without worthy 140:4.9(1572;9)
milestones on long ascending path 39:4.7(434;7)
mortal aspirations 44:8sec(507;6)
not material for divinely watered souls 34:6.8(381;2)
only g. worth striving for are spiritual, not material 100:2.6(1096;3), 170:2.6(1860;1)
persons can pass judgment on worth-whileness of g. 16:7.2-4(193;1)
rather than creeds should unify religionists 99:5.7(1091;6)
spiritual destiny conditioned by 156:5.9(1739;4)
supreme goals
achieving perfection. See perfection: attainment
Ascendington is ultimate status sphere 13:0.6(143;6)
attainment of supreme, then ultimate 0:7.8(143;6), 0:9.1(12;4)
attuning to divinity of indwelling Adjuster 110:3.4(1206;2)
becoming a finaliter 14:6.36(163;1)
brotherhood and God-consciousness 71:4.3(804;3), 143:1.4(1608;1)
consecration to Father's will; loyalty to Creator Son 20:1.7(224;4)
ever-ascending mobilization and perfecting unification of reality in association with Paradise reality 0:7.8(224;4)
exploring infinity of Universal Father 14:6.37(163;2)
fighting battle of reality's triumph over partial shadows 101:10.9(1117;3)
finding God and becoming like him 1:0.3(21;3), 132:3.7(1459;7)
finding God on Paradise 5:1.2,12(62;4), 11:9.8(127;6), 14:2.8(155;2), 48:8.1(557;16)
God, rest, and eternity of perfected service 24:6.1(269;5)
perfection of faith and service 34:6.10(381;4)
service 28:6.17(316;4)
spirit 12:8.13(140;9), 16:4.6(189;7)
trinitization (for some) 13:1.13(146;2)
unification, divine coherence 2:7.7(42;8)
wisdom of mental and moral existence 36:5.12(402;9)
transfer g. from time to eternity 160:1.14(1774;6)
domesticated by 5000 B.C. 81:2.8(902;2)
early units of barter 69:4.5(775;5)
Nodites imported 80:1.2(889;4)
open grassland in Andite days 79:1.2(878;3)

(G's continue...)