tests. See also examinations
great test is to refuse to use power selfishly 136:8.6(1521;1)
Jesus' measurement of religion and society 126:2.5(1388;5)
textiles. See weaving
Thaddeus 179:2.2(1938;1)
James Alpheus also called 139:9.5(1563;6)
Thailand. See Siam
Thamna 143:0.1(1607;1)
thanksgiving. See worship
Thapsacus 130:0.3(1427;3)
theaters. See amphitheater
Tutankhamen returned capital to 95:5.10(1048;4)
theft. See also fraud; injustice
among primitives, t. only committed outside group 69:9.9(781;3)
commandments against 66:7.13(751;8), 93:4.11(1017;3), 94:8.7(1036;9), 131:2.12(1446;1), 163:2.4(1801;7)
great crime among primitives 82:4.3-4(917;6)
theology. See also philosophy; religion
definitions of God must change with each epoch 5:5.12(69;7)
does not produce religion 103:1.4(1130;3)
effort to define God, justify claims of religion 90:5.7(993;1), 103:9.6(1141;4)
facilitates self-consciousness of spiritual experience 103:9.6(1141;4)
facts must not displace truth in 143:6.3(1615;4)
fallacy that any creed is uniquely The Truth 92:3.4(1006;1), 92:7.3(1012;4)
fixes, formulates, and dogmatizes faith 196:0.5(2087;5)
Nalda dodged issue of salvation with discussion of 143:5.5-7(1613;3)
philosophy of religion 103:1.5(1130;4)
psychology of religion 5:5.6(69;1)
religion may be genuine despite erroneous 103:9.1-2(1140;7)
study of one's religion; approaches universe from inside 103:6.1-2(1135;3)
have formulated 500 definitions of religion 103:1.1(1129;4)
have usually held people back 102:8.6(1128;2)
Jesus held dishonest theologians in contempt 126:0.3(1386;3)
Jesus' life should restrain formation of creeds by 195:10.2(2084;2)
theories. See also concepts; doctrines; ideas
dead; powerless to transform human character 34:6.6(380;7)
experience always has advantage over 102:6.7(1125;2)
may quarrel with faith; facts do not 195:7.1(2078;4)
one cannot confide in a postulate 102:7.3(1126;3)
post-mortem salvage of imprisoned truth 180:5.2(1949;4)
good Samaritan helped man robbed and beaten by 164:1.3(1810;1)
killed rich man with full barns 165:4.3(1821;3)
thieves crucified with Jesus
associates of Barabbas, scourged before crucifixion 187:0.1-2(2004;1)
bodies taken to Gehenna 188:1.5(2013;4)
cast reproach upon Jesus 187:3.3(2008;4), 187:4.1(2008;8)
dispatched by Roman soldiers 188:0.1(2012;1)
"Lord, remember me" 187:4.1(2008;8)
one had often heard Jesus speak 186:4.4-5(2001;7)
penitent one's robbery was patriotic protest 187:4.5(2009;4)
thing, meaning, and value. See science, philosophy, and religion
thinking. See mortal mind; thought
third day
after death, bestowal Sons reappear on 20:6.6(229;5)
Graduate Guides appear on 24:7.6(271;5)
Havona Servitals appear in third moment 25:1.3(273;5)
Jesus would rise on 171:4.2,8(1871;4), 186:3.4(2001;2), 188:1.8(2013;7), 188:2.1,2(2014;1), 189:5.1(2027;5), 190:1.3,5(2030;2), 190:5.3-4(2034;4), 191:0.2(2037;2)
Jewish expression signifying "presently" 171:4.8(1872;5)
Jews believed soul would not linger past 167:4.3(1837;2)
Third Person of Deity. See Infinite Spirit
Third Source and Center. See Infinite Spirit
Third Source personalities
beings personal to Infinite Spirit but who are not in Father's personality circuit 9:8.6-10(106;4)
contactable by beings in Father's personality circuit 9:8.7(106;5)
Spirit-fused mortals are not 40:9.1(450;3)
Supreme Power Centers 29:2.2(321;1)
Jesus thirsted on cross 187:3.5(2008;6)
none in Divine Presence 34:6.8(381;2), 48:6.8(552;6)
those believing in Jesus will not experience spiritual 153:2.7-9(1710;5)
Thomas Didymus 139:8sec(1561;1), 143:3.5(1611;3), 144:1.4(1618;1), 151:2.5(1690;3), 164:0.1(1809;1),. See also apostles of Jesus
after Pentecost 193:6.4(2058;3)
at Jesus' appearances 191:5sec(2042;5), 192:1-4secs) 193:0sec(2052;1), 193:3sec(2055;1), 193:5sec(2057;3)
attempted to dissuade Norana 156:1.4(1734;6)
attended session of Sanhedrin 164:5.3(1815;4)
always advocated safety first, but was team player 139:8.8(1562;2)
analytical mind; true scientist 139:8.4,12(1561;4), 181:2.26(1961;5)
bewildered, then amused, by entry into Jerusalem 172:5.9(1886;1)
cursed with suspicion and over-individualism, many moods 139:8.5(1561;5), 191:5.1(2042;5), 193:4.3(2056;1)
did not believe demons entered swine at Kheresa 151:6.6(1696;4)
did not hold grudges 139:8.8(1562;2)
doubts most stubborn just before crumbling 191:5.4(2043;2)
enjoyed apostles' efforts to convince him 191:5.1(2042;5)
natural-born faultfinder and pessimist 139:8.3(1561;3)
opposed proclaiming Jesus king 152:2.5(1700;6)
sustained courage; "let us die with him" 139:8.4,9(1561;4), 145:5.10(1636;3), 167:4.7(1838;1), 181:2.26(1961;5)
told apostles to scatter, every man for himself 183:4.2(1975;5)
too proud to return of his own accord; Peter and John fetched 191:0.12-13(2038;7)
unconsciously assumed attitude of disagreement 191:5.1(2042;5)
unwisely left associates to grieve in solitude 139:8.10-11(1562;4), 189:4.1(2025;2), 191:0.1-3,12-13) 191:5.1(2042;5)
call of 138:5sec(1542;2)
did not pledge to go forth preaching 192:4.7(2051;4)
discussions with Rodan Papers 160, 161)
Jesus' admonitions to 174:0.2(1897;2), 181:2.26(1961;5), 192:2.9(2048;5)
Jesus cured T. of morbid introspection 139:8.5(1561;5)
manager of apostles' itinerary 138:10.7(1547;7), 139:8.5(1561;5)
Milcha was cousin of T. 150:1.1(1678;5)
personal life
fisherman of Tarichea, onetime carpenter and stone mason, selected by Philip 138:2.5(1539;8), 139:8.2(1561;2)
lost twin sister at age 9 139:8.10(1562;4)
married with 4 children; 29 in A.D. 26; wife glad to see him join apostles 139:8.2-3(1561;2)
put to death in Malta 139:8.13(1563;1)
personal worker 141:3.2(1589;3)
preached in Cyprus, Crete, North Africa, Sicily, Malta 139:8.13(1563;1)
questions of 140:6.13(1577;7), 140:7.1(1578;2), 140:10.4(1585;2), 141:4.2(1590;5), 142:7.1,16(1603;2), 144:1.6(1618;3), 146:3.3(1641;5), 148:4.1(1659;8), 155:4.2(1728;2), 158:6.1(1758;2), 166:4.1(1830;1), 176:3.1(1916;1), 180:3.6(1947;5)
taught how to answer questions 163:0.2(1800;2)
Thor (Andite)
victorious commander in final battle of Somme 80:5.4(893;6)
Thor (god)
ghost hero; master of lightning 80:5.4(893;6), 85:6.4(948;4)
crown of t. placed on Jesus' head 185:6.2,4(1995;1)
some seed fell among 151:1.2(1688;4), 151:2.2(1689;5)
Those High in Authority 22:3sec(246;2),. See also Trinitized Sons of Attainment
Adjuster-fused mortals with superior administrative ability 22:3.1(246;2)
executives of Ancients of Days 15:10.3-5(178;3), 22:3.3(246;4)
finaliters embraced by Trinity 15:10.5(178;5)
High Son Assistants serve as clerks for 22:10.1(253;3)
in Uversa personality register 30:2.9(336;1)
members of highest mobile advisory body 19:2.4(216;2), 19:3.6-7(178;3)
number 70 billion 22:3.2(246;3)
one wrote Paper 25 25:8.12(284;5)
prosecutors in superuniverse courts 15:12.1(180;2), 22:3.4(246;5)
selection is inherent and automatic 22:4.4(247;3)
service on major sectors 18:4.4(210;7)
Solemnities of Trust accompany 28:6.15(316;2)
tertiary seconaphim are assigned to 28:3.1(307;3), 28:6.1(313;5)
Trinitized Sons of Attainment 15:10.5(178;5), 15:12.1(180;2), 22:3.1(246;2), 28:6.1(313;5)
Those without Name and Number 22:4sec(246;6),. See also Trinitized Sons of Attainment
finaliters embraced by Trinity 15:10.5(178;5)
have transcendent concept of Father's eternal purpose 22:4.1(246;6)
High Son Assistants serve as clerks for 22:10.1(253;3)
in Uversa personality register 30:2.9(336;1)
members of highest mobile advisory body 19:2.4(216;2), 19:3.6-7(178;3)
number 700 million 22:4.2(247;1)
one wrote Paper 31 31:10.15(354;8)
selection is inherent and automatic 22:4.4(247;3)
serve superuniverse government 15:10.3-5(178;3)
service on major sectors 18:4.4(210;7)
superior spiritual minds of survival races 22:4.3(247;2)
supreme jurors in superuniverse courts 15:12.1(180;2), 22:4.3(247;2)
Trinitized Sons of Attainment 15:10.5(178;5), 22:4.1(246;6), 28:6.1(313;5)
healed Set's eye with spittle 95:2.6(1044;5)
thought. See also ideas; leadings; mortal mind
abrupt presentations of t. are usually subconscious emanations 110:4.3(1207;3)
as a man thinks, so is he 131:2.8(1445;2), 131:5.2(1450;1)
celestial beings record t. in pictures and ideographs 44:4.6(503;6)
cosmologic levels of 56:10.5-8(646;6)
divine t. is drawn into circuit of absolute mind 9:6.2(103;7)
dreams manifest unexpressed desires 110:5.4(1208;3)
few mortals are real thinkers 110:7.6(1213;1)
human likes and dislikes do not determine good and evil 100:3.2(1096;7)
language is greatest thinking tool 81:6.16-17(908;5)
let the unrighteous man forsake his thoughts 97:7.7(1069;2)
not controlling influence in evolutionary development, rather feeling 85:7.2(948;7)
recognize t. for what it is; disregard what it might have been 109:5.3(1199;4)
religion must use t. while discounting spiritual serviceableness of t. 102:3.1(1121;3)
spiritual t. so perfected as to burst forth in melody 44:1.2(499;4)
t., not feelings, lead us Godward 101:1.3(1104;6)
t. of God higher than t. of man 103:4.3(1133;3), 131:2.3(1444;3)
technique of Havona t. unlike ours 14:5.2(158;5)

(T's continue...)