competition. See also capital; private property; profit
angels make effective use of c. to inspire service 28:5.18(312;5)
based on narrow self-interest ultimately destroys what it seeks to maintain 71:6.1(805;5)
co-operation more efficient in advanced civilizations 71:5.3(805;3)
effectiveness of machines determines contending groups' survival 81:6.20(909;1)
essential to progress; unregulated c. breeds violence 71:5.1-3(805;1)
ever pulls man down 69:2.2(773;3)
helpfully stimulated by racial diversification 64:6.33(726;5)
on continental nation 72:4.4(812;6), 72:5.7(813;8)
restrictions must not abrogate individual liberties 71:5.4(805;4)
time and circumstance select the fitter for survival 68:4.7(767;7)
wholesome rivalry to enter schools of Planetary Princes 50:4.4(575;5)
accept challenges without 48:6.24(555;3)
after Michael's incarnation, no c. by Material Sons 119:4.4(1314;1)
elders complained about Jesus to Joseph and Mary 124:1.4(1366;5)
Judas complained about Nathaniel 139:6.5(1558;6)
laborers in vineyard complained they weren't paid more 163:3.6(1804;3)
man should not bemoan his lowly origin when Creator Sons pass through same experience 21:4.6(240;2)
man should not complain of experiences part of life 148:5.3(1661;5)
over petty harassments and fictitious grievances 188:5.10(2019;3)
prayer turns c. into patience 91:6.2(999;5)
to suffer evil without c. is insufficient 159:5.11(1770;3)
complement of being
angel of opposite type 38:4.3(420;4)
sanobim is complement to cherubim 38:7.2(422;2)
seraphic recorder of guardian angel pair 113:2.9(1243;6)
complemental relationships
Creator Sons and local universe Mother Spirits 17:6.4(203;7)
experience is cosmic complement to perfection 32:3.12(362;1)
of angels may be transient 26:1.9(286;4)
spirit polarity 26:1.9(286;4)
complements of rest
enter terminal rest of time with pilgrims 26:11.7(297;4)
insure confraternity of creature-trinitized sons 26:11.3(296;6)
secondary supernaphim on Havona's inner circle 26:11sec(296;4)
completion seraphim 39:9sec(441;5),. See also Corps of Seraphic Completion; seraphim
achievement far transcends mortals attaining survival 40:1.2(443;6)
minister to worlds in light and life 39:9.1-2(441;5)
most desire service with Paradise bestowal Sons 39:9.3(442;1)
often direct seraphic organizations 39:2.1,5(429;5)
compossibility and omnipotence 118:5sec(1299;1)
compound manipulators
energy manipulator celestial artisans; seek to discover presence of Supreme 44:5.5(505;2)
becoming adept in human temporal c. while yielding spiritual allegiance to one master 109:5.4(1199;5)
in socialization of religion 144:6.11(1625;8)
conformed to parents' wishes even if he disagreed 123:3.6(1360;1), 123:4.3(1361;3), 124:1.4-5,13 124:4.9(1372;6), 125:6.11-12(1384;7)
decided against employing c. to further ministry 136:8.4(1520;5)
met followers half way 157:5.2(1748;2), 157:6.6(1749;5), 158:2.4(1754;4)
met Jews on their terms 167:4.5(1837;4)
never shirked responsibility of making daily adjustments 124:4.9(1372;6), 124:6.18(1376;4), 125:6.12(1384;8), 127:6.12(1405;4)
refused c. with evil 134:8.8(1494;1), 136:8.8(1521;3)
of spiritual ideals harmful to soul 133:7.12(1480;4)
taking first step along path of 184:2.12(1981;6)
compulsion. See also might; pressure
believer always acts but never coerces 94:6.6(1034;1)
chief factor in early civilization was force exerted by wise social masters 81:6.14(908;3)
domination of Spirit never compromised by 34:6.11(381;5)
Jesus approved use of force to protect majority 173:1.11(1891;1)
moral worth cannot be derived from repression 140:4.7(1572;7)
never promote righteous cause by force 16:7.8(193;7), 152:6.3(1705;3), 159:3.2(1765;4), 178:1.2-3,6,12
pleasure-seeking weaklings subjugated by strong truth-loving elements 50:5.6(577;1)
state has right to employ force 71:4.2(804;2), 72:6.4,6(814;6), 133:1.5(1470;1), 133:4.12(1475;5), 140:8.4(1579;6), 178:1.2(1929;3)
conceit. See pride
heathen concentrate their energies 155:1.3(1725;4)
Jesus mobilized all powers of mind, soul, and body on one task in hand 127:3.15(1400;7)
concentric circles, three
banner of Michael 53:5.4(605;8)
emblematic of infinity, eternity, universality of Trinity 93:3.3(1016;5)
material emblem of Trinity government 53:5.4(605;8), 93:2.5(1015;5)
Melchizedek wore on his chest 93:2.5(1015;5), 104:1.3(1143;6)
triads grew up based on Melchizedek's insignia 95:1.4(1042;5)
concept recorders
thought recorders, celestial artisans 44:4.5(503;5)
concepts. See also doctrines; ideas; theories
beyond the Supreme are more creature's projection 115:3.4(1262;1)
means of logical thought within frame of postulates; all erroneous to greater or lesser degree 115:1.1-2(1260;2)
static c. retard science, politics, and religion 130:4.15(1436;1)
truth wedded to fact 118:3.3(1297;4)
Urantia Papers give preference to highest human 0:12.10(16;7)
without divergencies, mind cannot formulate c. 115:3.2(1261;6)
conciliating commissions 25:2-3secs. See also Universal Conciliators
available no matter how trivial the misunderstanding, provided it is honest 25:3.8(277;5)
are final and unanimous; no appeal 25:2.12(276;5), 25:3.4(277;1)
executions carried out with consent of Most High 50:2.6(574;1)
put into effect by divine executioner 25:3.5(277;2)
Master Physical Controllers subject to c.c. 29:4.8(325;4)
no decision until all evidence heard 25:3.4(277;1)
do not pass upon matters of eternal import 25:2.12(276;5)
embodiment of supreme justice 25:3.17(279;1)
fourth creatures discern spirit and matter 38:7.6(422;6), 44:0.10(498;5)
function upon petition of opposing parties 25:3.3(276;8)
grow from arbiters of differences to explainers of mysteries 25:3.12(278;3)
headquarters on superuniverse capitals as well as each mansion world 25:3.1(276;6), 47:0.4(530;4)
justice guides appear before 39:4.5(434;5)
keep universe running smoothly 25:2.11(276;4)
members are divine executioner, judge-arbiter, recorder, Spirit-advocate 25:2.6-9(275;6)
members are never separated 25:3.17(279;1)
no limit to ability to call witnesses 25:3.4(277;1)
number 100 million in Nebadon; 126 trillion in Orvonton 25:3.17(279;1), 37:8.6(414;1)
operate on Urantia 114:5.1-2(1254;1)
quartets of Universal Conciliators 25:2.5-9(275;5)
travel at seraphic velocity 23:3.2(260;6), 25:2.11(276;4)
traveling courts for minor misunderstanding 37:8.6(414;1), 39:4.5(434;5)
conciliation (ceremony)
place in evolution of religious observances 90:0.1(986;1)
replaced rites of avoidance, placation, and exorcism 89:4.4(978;1)
Conciliators, Universal. See Universal Conciliators
150,000 Master Sons on Paradise 21:0.5(234;5)
on Paradise satellites of Spirit 17:1.9(199;3)
on worlds of Havona 18:2.2(208;7)
Paradise Sons forgather every millennium for 7:6.1(87;6)
up to 1000 simultaneously in session on Salvington 37:2.2(407;2)
concubinage. See also adultery
concubines were frequently wife's handmaidens 83:5.8(926;6)
steppingstone to monogamy 83:5.8(926;6)
condemnation. See blame
conduct. See action
conductors of worship 27:7sec(303;5)
improve ascenders' technique of worship 27:7.4(304;2)
primary supernaphim 27:0.3(298;3)
unable fully to accommodate worship of ascenders 27:7.6-7(304;4)
confession. See also amends; forgiveness; repentance; sin
essential to spiritual progress; does not mitigate consequences of disloyalty 89:10.5(984;8)
finding oneself in wrong, do not hesitate to make 131:9.3(1453;1)
has led nations to mighty efforts of reform 91:5.2(998;5)
if any say, 'I have sinned,' God will deliver 96:7.7(1060;7)
leave no fault unconfessed 131:3.3(1446;5)
once was rite of remission, public notice of defilement 89:2.5(976;2)
realization of need for 167:5.2(1838;3)
repudiation of disloyalty 89:10.5(984;8)
sins forgiven after 131:5.5(1450;4), 156:2.7(1736;4)
words of Job 130:8.2(1440;2)
confidence. See self-confidence
confiding. See sharing
caused by disharmony between moral and intellectual self-consciousness 133:6.6(1478;5)
escape from present duty causes 130:1.2(1428;2)
forewarn all believers regarding fringe of 159:3.7(1766;3)
inherent in evolutionary growth 105:6.4(1159;4)
inhibits inner life; causes civil war in personality 111:4.11(1220;10)
new religious insights arise out of 100:4.1(1097;5)
occurs when men forsake life of natural craving 160:1.6(1773;3)
persists only in refusal to espouse higher values 100:4.1(1097;5)
prayer prevents 100:6.4(1100;6), 196:0.10(2088;5)
unresolved c. terminates in mind disruption 133:7.12(1480;4)

(C's continue...)