A |
Aboda Zarah, Talmud book | 4, 13, 17, 19, 24, 31, 36 |
Aboth (Talmudic sayings), Talmud book | 1, 4 |
Abracadabra | 31, 38 |
Abraham | 31, 55, 56, 67 |
Achduth Avodah | 78 |
Aduth Haabodah | 78 |
Ahdut Avoda | 78 |
Adultery, wives of minors and non-Jews, permitted | 23 |
Agudah | 78 |
Akiba, Rabbi ("Talmud Sage") | 2, 3, 19 |
Amalgamated Clothing Workers | 76 |
American Civil Liberties Union | 75 |
American Jewish Committee | 50, 68, 74-77, 80-83, 86, 89, 91 |
American Jewish Congress | 75-78, 81 |
Amorites | 56 |
Arakin (estimation), Talmud book | 5 |
Asch, Sholem | 76 |
Ashkenazi Jews | 50, 57 |
Aristobulus | 12 |
Aristotle | 33 |
Ashi, Rabbi | 18 |
Astarte (also Ishtar) | 24, 40-41, 44 |
American League Against War and Fascism | 75 |
American League for Peace and Democracy | 75 |
| B |
Baal Shem (Hassidist master) | 12, 26, 31-34, 44, 51, 54 |
Baba Bathra (last gate), Talmud book | 4, 12, 18, 28 |
Baba Kamma (first gate), Talmud book | 4, 16, 18, 20 |
Baba Mezia (middle gate), Talmud book | 4, 16 |
Baby boys, and sodomy | 22 |
Baby girls, intercourse with | 2, 22, 29 |
Baylonian calendar, as Jewish calendar | 39 |
Babylonia, Judaism and | 2, 38 |
Babylonian Talmud, Rabbi Louis Finklestein, and | 1 |
Balaam, Jesus as | 14 |
Barkochba | 6, 10 |
Baskin, Joseph | 76 |
Beilis, Mendel (and ritual murder) | 50 |
Bekorot (first born), Talmud book | 5 |
Bela Kun | 70 |
Beni Israel Jews | 64 |
Berechoth, Talmud book | 6 |
Beth Din (Talmud law court) | 35 |
Beth Hillel | 23, 28 |
Beth, Shammai | 23, 28 |
Bible, books of |
- Acts | 45 |
- Amos | 42, 68 |
- Chronicles I | 37, 56 |
- Chronicles | 11 23, 27, 45 |
- Corinthains II | 34 |
- Daniel | 32, 91-94 |
- Deuteronomy | 2, 11, 15-16, 24-26, 39-40, 42, 45-46, 52-53, 56, 92 |
- Esther | 10 |
- Exodus | 2-3, 19, 26-27, 29, 32 |
- Ezekiel | 16, 18, 27, 41-42, 45-46, 51 |
- Galatians | 55, 93 |
- Genesis | 17, 19, 26, 55-56, 67, 93 |
- Hebrews | 55 |
- Hosea | 56 |
- Isaiah | 17, 27, 32, 43-44, 48, 54-57, 67, 92-94 |
- Jeremiah | 40, 42-43, 45, 52, 92-94 |
- Job | 45 |
- John | 1, 10, 56, 94 |
- John II | 68 |
- Joshua | 56 |
- Judges | 27, 56 |
- Kings II | 39-40, 42, 45 |
- Leviticus | 2, 16, 22-24, 26-27, 29, 46, 54 |
- Luke | 5, 22, 91 |
- Mark | 1, 16, 23, 26, 32, 55, 91 |
- Matthew | 1, 5, 11, 16, 22-24, 26-29, 32, 46, 49, 54-56, 68, 91-92 |
- Micah | 45, 94 |
- Numbers | 2, 14, 16, 56 |
- Peter II | 10 |
- Proverbs | 20, 58 |
- Psalms | 27, 56 |
- Revelation | 31, 41, 52, 55-56, 67, 92-94 |
- Romans | 22, 28, 55, 67 |
- Thessalonians II | 32, 91, 93 |
- Zephaniah | 42, 42, 45 |
Bikkurim (first fruits), Talmud book | 4 |
B'nai B'rith | 70, 77 |
Anti-Defamation League of | 57, 83 |
Bolsheviks | 70 |
Boruchov, B. | 77 |
Brandeis, Louis | 76 |
Brothman, Abraham | 89 |
Browder, Earl | 75 |
Bulls, of Popes | 6 |
Bund, Jewish | 70, 74 |
| C |
Cabala | 31-38, 43-44, 46, 49-50, 67 |
Calendar, Jewish as Babylonian | 39 |
Canaan (land of) | 56 |
Canaanites | 56 |
Central Conference of American Rabbis | 69 |
Central Verband of Bund | 74 |
Chad Gadyah | 93-94 |
Chasidism see Hasidists |
Chinese Jews | 57, 62 |
College Commonwealth | 76 |
Communism | 76 |
Christ |
- and Pharisees | 1, 10, 13, 16-17, 22-24, 26, 28-29 |
- as "Balaam" | 14-15 |
- as "Ben Stada" | 15 |
- as basturd | 15 |
- burned | 4, 15 |
- committing bestiality | 15 |
- crucified | 4, 15 |
- strangled | 4, 15 |
- boiled in hot semen | 15 |
- seducer of women | 15 |
- as idol | 12, 17 |
- lowered into dung | 15 |
- executed by molten lead | 15 |
Communal Register (Kehillah, New York) | 74-75, 79, 81-82 |
Cutheans (Christians) | 12, 20 |
Czar Nicholas II | 84 |
| D |
"D" Banks (Germany) | 85-86 |
David | 55 |
Davis Sammy | 57 |
Dearborn Independent (Henry Ford publication) | 80, 82-83 |
Demai (doubtful), Talmud book | 4 |
Demonology | 36, 46-50 |
Dubinsky, David | 76-77 |
Dunn, Roger W. | 85 |
| E |
Eduyyoth (testimonies), Talmud book | 4 |
Eliezer, Rabbi B | 13 |
Emperor Hadrian (and Talmud) | 6 |
Emperor Justinian | 6 |
En Sof (also "En Soph") | 33-36, 38, 57 |
Erubin (mingling), Talmud book | 4 |
Esreh, Shemoneh (18 Benedictions) | 12, 14-15 |
Ethiopian Jews | 59 |
| F |
Finklestein, Rabbi Louis | 1-2, 13, 31-32, 38, 78, 81 |
Flaubert, Gustave | 51-53 |
Fogel, Judge Henry M | 83 |
Ford, Henry | 75, 80, 82-83 |
Forward Association | 74 |
Foster, William Z | 85 |
Francis, U.S. Ambassador to Russia | 84-86 |
Frumkin, M. Levi (Rodkinson) | 6, 13, 29, 38 |
Furstenberg | 85-86 |
| G |
Gemara (argumentation of the Rabbis Talmud) | 3 |
Gematria (letters for numbers) | 34-37, 94 |
General Zionists | 78 |
Gentiles |
- and the Bible | 3, 16, 20 |
- as non-human | 16 |
- wine touched by | 17 |
- cast into a pit | 17 |
- issue that of a beast | 17 |
- people like an ass | 17 |
- no property rights | 18 |
- no rest !8 |
- goring one's ox | 18 |
- cheating the Gentile | 18, 20 |
- lawsuit with | 18 |
- must suffer | 18 |
- teaching Torah to | 3, 19 |
- gentile babies defiled !9 |
- robbery, stealing, murdering of | 20 |
Gershom Ben Judah, Rabbi i | 25 |
Gittin (Talmud book) | 4, 12-13, 15, 26, 40 |
Gnosticism | 34, 46, 67 |
Gold, Harry | 89 |
Goldmann.Nahum | 78 |
Grand Duke Michael | 84 |
| H |
Hagigah (feasting) | 4 |
Halacha (laws) | 3 |
Hallah (dough), Talmud book | 4 |
Ham | 55 |
Hapoel Hamizrachi | 78 |
Hasidists (also "Chasidists") | 26, 31-32, 44, 47-48, 69-70 |
Hebrew Union College | 76 |
Hegel | 34 |
Held, Adolph | 76-77 |
Hertz, Chief Rabbi J.H. | 2, 38-39 |
Herut | 78 |
Hess, Moses | 69-70 |
Hevites | 56 |
Hezekiah, Juda King | 39 |
Hillel (1st Century Pharisee) | 28-29, 39 |
Hillman Sidney | 76, 85 |
Histadruth | 78, 95 |
Hittites | 56 |
Horayoth (rulings), Talmud book | 4, 12, 27-28 |
Hullin (killing), Talmud book | 5 |
Hyrcanus | 12 |
| I |
Incest permitted | 23 |
Intercourse |
- with beast | 22 |
- boy with mother | 22 |
- with baby girl | 2, 22-23, 29 |
- incest permitted | 23 |
- mother with child | 23 |
- with dead bodies | 24 |
- frequency by trades | 29 |
International Ladies' Garment Workers | 76 |
Isaac | 55-56 |
Ishmael | 56 |
Ishmael, Rabbi | 13 |
Israel Baal Shem Tob (Hasidism promoter) | 32 |
Istar (see Astarte) |
| J |
Jabneh (Palestinian Talmud center) | 3 |
Jacob | 55-56 |
Jannaeus, Alexander (King, High Priest of Jerusalem) | 12 |
Japanese Jews | 62 |
Japeth | 55 |
Jebusites | 56 |
Jehosaphat | 23 |
Jesus (see Christ) |
Jews and Their Lies (Martin Luther) | 10 |
Jews as Messiah | 19 |
Jewish Communal Register, New York | 74-75, 79, 81-82 |
Jewish Institute of Religion | 76 |
Jewish Labor Committee | 76-77 |
Jewish Peoples Committee | 76-77 |
Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order | 89 |
Jewish Publication Society of America | 69 |
Jewish Socialist Federation of America | 74 |
Jewish Theological Seminary of America | 1, 75, 81 |
Johanon, Rabbi | 3, 21 |
Joshua | 56 |
Josiah, Judah King | 39 |
Judah (patriarch) | 55-56 |
Judah, tribe of | 55, 58 |
Judah Hanasi, Rabbi | 3-4 |
Justinian, Emperor | 6 |
| K |
Kabbalah, see Cabala |
Kaganovich, Lazar | 89 |
Kahn, Otto | 80 |
Kaiser Wilhelm | 80 |
Kamenev | 84, 86 |
Kapparah (Jewish rite) | 47, 51 |
Karaites | 12 |
Kehillah, New York Jewish | 74-75, 79, 81-82 |
Kelim (vessel, utensil, cleanliness), Talmud book | 5 |
Kerensky, A.F. | 76, 81, 84-86 |
Keritot (exterminators), Talmud book | 5 |
Kethubah (marital contract) | 29 |
Kethuboth (sum due divorced wife), Talmud books | 4, 12, 19, 22, 28, 32, 38, 93 |
Khazars | 56 |
Kiddushin (betrothal), Talmud book | 4 |
Kil'ayim (mixtures), Talmud book | 4 |
Killing, "Terefah" (incurably ill person) | 25 |
King David | 25, 27, 56 |
King Saul | 56 |
King Solomon | 25, 56 |
Kitzur (abbreviated Schulhan Aruch) | 50 |
Kol Nidre (annulling oaths) | 4, 7, 19-20, 41 |
Krauss, Adolph | 82 |
Kuhn Loeb and Co. | 79-80, 84, 91 |
| L |
LaCroix | 53-54, 68 |
Lansing, Secretary of State | 84 |
Lassalle, Ferdinand | 72 |
Lehman, Herbert | 75 J |
Lenin | 79, 84-87, 89 |
Lilith (Demoness of childbirth) | 31, 48 |
Lipsky, Louis | 78 |
Litvinov (Finklestein) | 78, 81, 89 |
Loeb, Nina | 79 |
Lot | 23 |
Lunacharsky | 86 |
Lusk, Senator Clayton | 70, 84 |
Luther, Martin | 1-2, 6, 8-11, 13 |
| M |
Ma'aseh Bereshit pagan rite | 31, 46 |
Ma'aseh Mercabah pagan rite | 31, 46 |
Ma'aseroth (tithes), Talmud book | 4 |
Ma'aser Sheni (second tithe), Talmud book | 4 |
Magnes, Rabbi Judah L. | 75-76, 85 |
Maimonides | 33, 45 |
Makkoth (beatings), Talmud book | 4, 20 |
Makshirin (kosher, proper), Talmud book | 5 |
Mapai | 78, 94 |
Mapam Party | 78, 94 |
Marranos | 7 |
Marriage |
- with 3 year old | 23 |
- Uncle and Niece | 23 |
Marshall, George | 75 |
Marshall, James | 75 |
Marshall, Louis | 75-76, 82-83 |
Marshall, Robert | 75 |
Marx, Karl | 33-35, 38, 46, 69, 72, 74 |
Marxism | 69 |
Mary, Mother of Jesus |
- adulteress | 14 |
- harlot | 14 |
Me'ilah (trespass), Talmud book | 5 |
Megillah (Scroll of Esther), Talmud book | 4 |
Melchoir, Carl J. | 80 |
Menahot (meal offering), Talmud book | 4 |
Mensheviks | 70 |
Mercabah, see Metatron or Mithra |
Messiah (Jewish people as) | 32, 39 |
Metatron (Sun God) | 16, 31, 33, 36-37, 46 |
Mexican Indian Jews | 66 |
Meyer, Eugene Jr. | 75 |
Middot (measures), Talmud book | 5 |
Mikawaoth (ritual bath) Talmud book | 5 |
Milyukov, Prime Minister | 84 |
Min (plural Minim) Christians | 12 |
Minnim (birds nests), Talmud book | 5 |
Minuth (Christianity) | 13 |
Mishna (Decisions of Rabbis, Talmudic) | 3, 46 |
Mithra (Sun God) | 31, 33, 36-37 |
Mizrachi | 78 |
Molech (child burning to) | 12, 39, 46, 51-54 |
Monroe, Marilyn | 57, 60 |
Moon worship | 43 |
Mooney, Tom | 75, 77 |
Morris, Ira Nelson | 85-86 |
Moskowitz, Miriam | 89 |
Moses | 2, 11-12, 16, 18, 22-27, 37, 39, 46, 52, 56, 70, 92 |
Mylitta | 24 |
| N |
Nasi (Price of Jewry) | 4, 29, 38 |
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People | 75 |
National Conference of Christians and Jews | 67 |
National Religion and Labor Foundation | 75 |
National Workmen's Committee of | 1915 74, 76 |
National Workers Alliance | 77 |
Nazir (more vows), Talmud book | 27-28 |
Necromancy (sorcery) | 49 |
Nedarim ("vows"), Talmud book | 3, 19, 28-29 |
Mega'im (plagues), Talmud book | 5 |
Negro Jews | 57, 61 |
Nehardea (Talmud Cabala Center) | 17 |
Neighbor, murder of | 25 |
Nicolataines | 67 |
Niddah (menstruant woman), Talmud book | 5, 28, 49 |
| O |
Oholoth (tents), Talmud book | 5 |
Orlah, Talmud book | 4 |
Oudendyke, M., Netherlands Minister to Russia | 87 |
Oudendyke Report | 87 |
| P |
Parah (young cow), Talmud book | 5 |
Parents, striking and cursing | 25 |
Parvus | 86 |
Pat, Jacob | 76 |
Pauker, Ana | 90 |
Pe'ah (corner), Talmud book | 4 |
Perizzites | 56 |
Pesahim (passover), Talmud book | 4 |
Peters, J. (Isador Boorstein) | 89 |
Pfefferkorn (exposer of Talmud) | 8 |
Pharisees |
- and Christ | 1, 10, 16-17, 22-23 |
- Jewish Encyclopedia, and Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, and | 1 |
Pharisees, The (Rabbi Louis Finklestein) | 1, 13 |
Plato | 37 |
Poale Zion | 77-78 |
Polygamy, permitted | 24 |
Pompey, General | 12 |
Popes (and Talmudism) |
- Alexander III | 7 |
- Alexander VI | 7 |
- Bulls of | 6-9 |
- Calixtus | 7 |
- Clement VII | 8 |
- Clement X | 9 |
- Eugene IV | 7 |
- Innocent III | 7, 70 |
- Innocent IV | 7 |
- Innocent VIII | 8 |
- Gregory VII | 7 N |
- Gregory IX | 7 |
- Gregory XIII | 9 |
- Julius III | 7-8 |
- Leo VII | 7 |
- Leo X | 8 |
- Leo XIII , | 9 |
- Nicholas V |
- Paul IV | 8-9 |
- Pius I V | 8 |
- Pius V | 9 |
- Pius VI | 9 |
- Pius IX | 9 |
- Pius X | 9 |
- Sixtus IV | 7 |
- Sixtus V | 9 |
Potiphar | 56 |
Pourea | 81 |
Prince Lvov | 84 |
Protocols of Zion | 84 |
Pumbeditha (Talmud Cabala Center) | 17, 38 |
Pythagoras | 33, 37-38 |
| R |
Rashi | 22 |
Rathenau, Walter | 80 |
Reuchlin (Catholic renegade) | 8 |
Rodkinson (M. Levi Frumkin) | 6, 13, 29, 38, 79 |
Roosevelt, President Theodore | 82 |
Root, Elihu | 81 |
Rosh Hoshona (New Year), Talmud book | 4 |
Rothschilds | 79-80, 91 |
Rudovitz | 81 |
Rutenberg, Pinchas | 76, 81 |
Ritual murder | 12, 39, 46, 50-51 |
| S |
Sabbath (laws of), Talmud book | 4, 13, 27 |
Sadducees |
- religious group | 12, 55 |
- Gentiles as | 14 |
Saint Clement | 67 |
Saint Epiphany | 67 |
Saint Ignatius | 67 |
Saint Iraenaeus | 67 |
Saint Paul | 22, 28, 55, 67 |
Salome | 12 |
Samaritans | 12 |
Sanhedrin (Talmud book) | 3-4, 13, 15, 17, 19-23, 25, 31-32, 36-37, 46, 51, 54, 91, 93 |
Schiff, Jacob | 75, 79-80, 82-83, 85, 87, 89 |
Schiff, John | 79 |
Schlossberg, Joseph | 77 |
Schulhan Aruch (also "Schulchan Aruch") (digested laws) | 27, 41, 43, 46-47, 50 |
Seder Kodashim (sacrifices), Talmud division | 5 |
Seder Moed (festivals), Talmud division | 4 |
Seder Nashim (women), Talmud division | 4 |
Seder Nezikin (damages), Talmud division | 4 |
Seder Tohoroth (cleanness), Talmud division | 4 |
Sedarim (orders), Talmud book | 4 |
Sefer Raziel (Book of Secrets Cabala) | 21 |
Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation Cabala) | 31, 37 |
Sephardic Jews | 60 |
Sephirot, the Ten (see Ten Sephirot) |
Shabiri (Demon of blindness) | 31 |
Shammai (1st Century Pharisee) | 22-23, 28, 39 |
Shebi'ith (seventh), Talmud book | 5 |
Shebuoth (oaths, vows) | 4 |
Shekalin (shekels), Talmud book | 4 |
Shem | 55 |
Shemhamphoras (by Luther) | 11-13 |
Shemoneh Esreh (18 Benedictions) | 12, 14-15 |
Sholem, Gershom | 32, 35-36 |
Silver, Rabbi Abba Hillel | 78 |
Silvermaster, Nathan G. | 89 |
Simon ben Shetah | 12 |
Sisera | 27 |
Social Democratic Federation | 81 |
Socialism | 69 |
Sodom | 23 |
Sodomy | 19-20, 24, 29 |
Sotah (suspected woman), Talmud book | 3-4, 21 |
Spinoza | 34-35, 38, 46, 69 |
Star worship | 42 |
State Department, U.S., Documents | 1917-18 84 |
Sukkah (booths), Talmud book | 4 |
Sulzberger, Cyrus L. | 75 |
Sun, blessing of | 44 |
Sverdlov | 84, 86 |
Swearing falsely (Kol Nidre) | 4, 7, 19-20, 41 |
| T |
Ta'anit (fasting), Talmud book | 4 |
Table Talk (Martin Luther) | 11 |
Taft, President William Howard | 75, 81-83 |
Talmud, Babylonian | 1-4 |
Talmud, books of (see also as individually listed) | 4-5 |
Talmud, divisions of | 4-5 |
Talmud, Heart's Blood of the Jewish Faith, book | 2 |
Talmud, oral law and | 3, 38 |
Talmud, Palestinian | 2-3 |
Talmud, Soncino English translation | 2, 4, 46 |
Talmud Torah Schools | 22, 29 |
Tamid (daily offering), Talmud book | 5 |
Tammuz | 44, 91 |
Tammuz, feast of | 39-40 |
Tammuz, weeping for | 41 |
Tashlik (Jewish custom) | 47-48 |
Taylor, Elizabeth | 57 |
Tebul Yom (Talmud book) | 5 |
Temurah (exchange), Talmud book | 5 |
Ten Sephirot (Cabala Intelligences) | 33 |
Termuah (heave offerings), Talmud book | 4 |
Tetragrammaton | 11, 14, 26, 31, 36-37, 44 |
Thomas, Norman , | 85 |
Tohoroth (purification), Talmud book | 5 |
Torquemada | 7 |
Trachtenberg, Rabbi Joshua | 44, 47-51 |
Tree worship | 39-40 |
Trotsky, Leon (Bronstein) | 79-80, 84-87, 89 |
Twelve tribes of Israel: (Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulon, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Napthali, Joseph, Benjamin) | 56 |
Tyre | 27 |
| U |
Union of American Hebrew Congregations | 69 |
United Hebrew Trades | 74 |
Ukzin (stems), Talmud book | 5 |
| V |
Venus | 24 |
Virgin Mary |
- adulteress | 14 |
- harlot | 14 |
Vladeck, B. Charney | 77 |
| W |
Warburg, Felix | 75, 79-80 |
Warburg, Frederick M. | 75 |
Warburg, James P. | 79 |
Warburg, Max | 75, 80, 86, 89 |
Warburg, Paul | 75, 79-80 |
Weinberg, Israel | 77 |
Wertheim, Jacob | 75 |
Wilson, President Woodrow | 76, 81, 85 |
Wise, Rabbi Isaac M. | 6, 76 |
Wise, Rabbi Stephen S. | 32, 35, 75-76, 87-88 |
Wolfson, Isaac | 91 |
Workmen's Circle | 74 |
World Zionist Congress | 78 |
| Y |
Yadayim (hands), Talmud book | 5, 46 |
Yebamoth (dead brother's widow), Talmud book | 4, 13, 22-24, 27-28 |
Yoma (Yom Kippur), Talmud book | 4 |
Yom Rob (feast day), Talmud book | 4 |
| Z |
Zabim (flux), Talmud book | 5 |
Zaddik (Jewish saint) | 33 |
Zaritsky, Max | 77 |
Zebahim (bloody sacrifices), Talmud book | 5 |
Zeire Zion | 78 |
Zenzinov | 86 |
Zeraim (seeds), Talmud division | 4 |
Zeus | 91 |
Zinoviev (Hirsch Apfelbaum) | 84, 85 |
Zionism | 70 |
Zohar (Cabala "Book of Splendor") | 34-36, 40, 49 |
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